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Wanted to share some Civil War information that I found to be interesting.


Old Salt
Full Member
  • Nov 4, 2020
    The other day I took a break from the holidays and rewatched the movie "Gettysburg" and since then have been doing a bit of research on Gen Longstreet. You don't need to be a Civil War buff to appreciate this post but regardless of how you feel about the Union/Confederacy or that part of history, he's really an interesting (to me at least) part of the Gettysburg story.

    Just as a quick back story/catchup- Longstreet graduated from West Point in 1842. By all accounts he was far from a model cadet. He had a history of racking up demerits and performing poorly in his studies. The records that I've found thus far was in 1842, 56 individuals graduated from West Point and Longstreet (being among them) was ranked... 54th in his class.

    Despite his academic standings, it seems that he was still popular amongst his fellow classmates (perhaps he was the class clown?) and among the friendships he cultivated during his years at West Point, one of which happened to be Ulysses S. Grant who graduated a year later in 1843. Again- you don't need to be a historian but that in itself is rather interesting.

    Skipping over a decade or two- despite graduating at the absolute bottom of his class in 1842, he quickly advanced through the officer ranks and once the Civil War broke out he eventually became Gen Robert E. Lee's "right hand man" and most trusted General and advisor by Lee's own accounts.

    Ok- now that we're all caught up- back to Gettysburg. Knowing most folks here aren't history buffs and wanting to be concise- during the battle Gen Lee was in command with Longstreet as the #2. One could honestly devote their entire lives to studying just this one battle but Lee & Longstreet's discussions are well documented and they frankly were polar opposites of how to proceed.

    The one part I'll mention on that topic is a part of the battle that I'm sure many folks have heard of (even if they're not fans of history themselves) and that's Pickett's charge on the 3rd day of the battle. Pickett's Charge is often used as a metaphor for futile (and foolish) endeavors even to today. But on the 3rd & final day of the battle at Gettysburg- I reckon many don't know that Longstreet publicly argued with Gen Lee against that decision and in front of their subordinates (this part is actually fairly well represented in the movie).

    Another factoid of interest (to me) is that even though it's gone down into history as "Pickett's" charge, Pickett fell under Longstreet's command and he was given the task by General Lee to command the assault. Longstreet disagreed so adamantly with the order that when Pickett asked Longstreet to give the command, he could only nod in his direction (another part well documented).

    (This is starting to get long so I'll break up the story here and continue on a future post).

    Continuing on-

    Again, trying to keep this at a high level to get to the part that I just find bewildering...

    "Pickett's" Charge was, in hindsight, an abject failure which essentially broke the back of the Confederacy (although the war went on for another 2 years).

    So now we're fully caught up and at the point of what I wanted to share-

    Remembering all of the rhetoric over the past few years over Confederate Generals, their statues, military bases named after them, etc. How many statues do you think exist for General Lee's literal 2nd in command, Longstreet? There must be a literal crap ton of them am I right?

    From what I'm able to find, there are... ready for this... two. Two statues to General Longstreet, the Confederate's #2 General. One of which is in Gainesville, GA the other is in Gettysburg (more on that later).


    (The Gainesville, GA statue)

    And for grins... here's his grave marker also in Gainesville...


    Still getting long in the tooth so I'll do another quick break here before I get to the Gettysburg Statue which is what prompted me going down this whole rabbit hole.

    Wrapping up now- and I appreciate it if you're still with me, I'm not trying to be long winded here- just trying to surmise a tremendous amount of information in very brief forum posts is all...

    So back to Gettysburg. We just covered that General Longstreet was 2nd in command next to Lee during the battle. We covered that he was Lee's most trusted General throughout the entire conflict. We covered that there were numerous documented disagreements between Lee & Longstreet during the battle. Lastly we talked about Longstreet, despite his performance in West Point, despite his rise to the highest ranks and being 2nd only to Lee (who was viewed as a prophet himself to the group he lead)... Longstreet (to the best of my research) only has 2 statues.

    So here's where things get wild (to me)- when do you think General Longstreet's (again remembering he was the 2nd highest ranking General on arguably the most studied battle of the entire Civil War) statue would be erected...?

    Ready for the answer...? 1998. That is not a typo... it wasn't until 1998 that General Longstreet had a monument placed in the Gettysburg Battlefield. And the hits don't stop there (if you can believe it).

    Not only did it take until 1998 (no doubt influenced by his portrayal during the earlier mentioned 'Gettysburg' movie), even once he finally was given a monument almost 150 years later, it was placed "out of sight" in the woods.

    Not only that, but it was also placed directly on the ground and not prominently displayed on a pedestal/stand like most (if not all) of the other monuments placed in the battlefield for the generals.

    I'm going to share a picture here but in full disclosure, I'm setting myself up for a future story about Gettysburg and it's participants, but for the purposes of this discussion, it illustrates the point I'm making...

    Here's how most/if not all of the monuments to Gettysburg Generals are prominently displayed...


    And... here's General Longstreet's monument that wasn't erected until 1998...


    Notice that it lacks the pedestal the other (lower ranking) generals received. Notice that it's placed in the woods while the other example is proudly set overlooking a field...

    A story for another time I suppose- but the other part of this post that's interesting is answering the question "why"?

    As a quick hint as to the "why"... this was "cancel culture" as far back as the late 1860's. From "hero to zero" because a scapegoat was required and the "boss" couldn't be it...

    Again, I know most folks aren't history buffs but this particular story is nothing short of fascinating to me and directly relevant to everything we've seen about this topic just in the past... what 5 years or so?

    There is a Liberty ship named for him at the bottom of Massachusetts Bay.
    I haven't come across that but I'll be sure to dig into that, I appreciate you sharing that with me.

    Have to say I'm not surprised you were the 1st to comment on my history rambling here given your previous posts sharing pictures from the Rev War trail.

    Hope you enjoyed/partially agreed with what I shared here.


    ETA: I also did come across 1 bridge being name after Longstreet in my research (I believe that was also in Gainesville, GA) but when I mention monuments, I should have clarified I meant to state statues erected in his honor which is why I previously included his grave marker). Apologies if that wasn't clear- that's on me and the only excuse I have to offer was trying to cram a bunch of information in a digestible format for non-history fans to get the point across. Thanks again for the tip.
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    As another "hint"...


    The above statue that I shared earlier (as mentioned) was a set up for another story. This particular monument is of Union General Hancock.

    Stories about Longstreet withstanding- this is another fascinating part of the battle of Gettysburg. We often hear about the Civil War being "brother against brother- friend against friend" and General Hancock's story is a perfect example of that expression that many may take for granted.

    His confederate "counterpart" was also at the battle of Gettysburg (General Armistead) and there's a story there which supports the mantra of "truth being stranger than fiction".

    As a spoiler... General Hancock would end up surviving the battle (despite all odds) and later serve as "the" central figure in a pivotal moment in history that occurred shortly after the surrender at Appomattox Court House in 1865.

    Another teaser... General Hancock's story would become the legacy of the lady pictured below...


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    There is a Liberty ship named for him at the bottom of Massachusetts Bay.

    This was the most interesting article I found on the topic (again thanks for the heads up)

    And of course, the cursory wiki on it...

    The proverbial hits just keep on coming against the guy. He's the historical version of Rodney Dangerfield in that he just "can't get no respect".
    Someone always has to take the blame
    You're not wrong. I reckon you're either a history junkie or you're not but it's wild to me how relatable a story from 1863/1865 is the same story we're seeing today.

    I know, I know- those that don't understand history & being doomed to repeat it... I understand that much but I'd argue that the vast majority of people don't really grasp why that expression exists.

    It's like the "brother against brother" descriptor of the Civil War. Everyone has heard that expression in grade school but for whatever reason, an apt and powerful statement like that over time just becomes a catchphrase and indifference takes over.

    Human nature I suppose- but that said, my focus was on the stories I shared or alluded to at least.

    Lees's plans and directions for battle were generally not clear and his subordinates often time interpreted them differently. On Day three Longstreet had a reserve force he was to deploy when"Picketts"men made the wall. In fact the Confederates breached the wall at the angle and were in the Federal lines but Longstreet, who was never in agreement with Lees plan, felt the battle was lost and hence decided not to launch the reserves in support of Pickets charge. The confederates were further hindered in the attack since they ran out of artillary ammo owing to poor planning and the heavy shelling they delivered in advance of the attack. There is mixed thought as to the impact the reserve force would have had on the outcome if it were launched.
    Lees's plans and directions for battle were generally not clear and his subordinates often time interpreted them differently. On Day three Longstreet had a reserve force he was to deploy when"Picketts"men made the wall. In fact the Confederates breached the wall at the angle and were in the Federal lines but Longstreet, who was never in agreement with Lees plan, felt the battle was lost and hence decided not to launch the reserves in support of Pickets charge. The confederates were further hindered in the attack since they ran out of artillary ammo owing to poor planning and the heavy shelling they delivered in advance of the attack. There is mixed thought as to the impact the reserve force would have had on the outcome if it were launched.
    "take the hill, if practicable"
    Lees's plans and directions for battle were generally not clear and his subordinates often time interpreted them differently. On Day three Longstreet had a reserve force he was to deploy when"Picketts"men made the wall. In fact the Confederates breached the wall at the angle and were in the Federal lines but Longstreet, who was never in agreement with Lees plan, felt the battle was lost and hence decided not to launch the reserves in support of Pickets charge. The confederates were further hindered in the attack since they ran out of artillary ammo owing to poor planning and the heavy shelling they delivered in advance of the attack. There is mixed thought as to the impact the reserve force would have had on the outcome if it were launched.
    My apologies- but I meant to add to your comment about the 'Angle' (you pass my 'sniff test' of knowing what you're talking about), the relationship I previously mentioned between Hancock & Armistead is directly connected to your comment.

    It is interesting to note that the survivors of the three days battle talk about the difficulty sleeping each nite hearing the moans and cries of the wounded lying in the battlefield .......
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    My wife and son and I drove around the Gettysburg battlefield in 2020 on our way to Maine. I'll have to dig into my pictures and see if I have one of Longstreets statue.

    One thing that I remember was just the sheer enormity of the battlefield. There are cannon emplacements everywhere, and I took a few photos from behind the cannon to get a better idea what it was like back then.
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    Meh I dunno....Longstreet wasn't the #2 general.....in fact he wasn't that good imo.

    Stonewall died a few weeks before Gettysburg and Lee found out the hard way that not every one of his commanders could do what Stonewall was capable of.

    I had ancestors on both sides there and walked each of their perspectives...humbling indeed
    There is a lesson in Longstreet’s life about the causes and costs of war. Unfortunately a lot of people today won’t understand or learn from it because they’re too busy tearing it down. Longstreet attended the USMC with a lot of officers he would end up on the other side of the battlefield from. It might be fruitful to learn how that happened and why. While the textbook version of the war confines the argument to slavery, which is no doubt an important issue, context matters. We joke a lot about the War of Northern Aggression, but there was indeed an issue of states rights. While the ignorant or biased may say that “states rights” issue was slavery, it was more than that. It is the perspective, that an overreaching government could ad libitum intrude on the rights of states and ultimately their citizens. That was first and foremost in the minds of many Confederate soldiers such as Longstreet. It was a good part of the reason he was attracted to the cause. Incidentally, that wasn’t out of the mainstream. It was an argument made at our founding and enshrined later in The Bill of Rights, without which many states would have never ratified the Constitution.

    Longstreet was no doubt a warrior, and by many accounts a great officer. He fought in numerous campaigns before the Civil War on behalf of our country. In my opinion he was right to protest Pickett’s Charge and was proven correct. After the war he worked tirelessly to bring people together and became involved with the Republican Party. That was of course at great personal cost as some who fought for the confederacy reviled him for it.

    Some people enter war with the illusion it will resolve their differences. But in the end it is a sign of failure. It is as Von Clausewitz wrote, policy by other means. But it is policy that comes at a great cost. Longstreet saw that, he saw the death, was wounded and ultimately was shunned by many for trying to help people benefit from what he learned.

    Meh I dunno....Longstreet wasn't the #2 general.....in fact he wasn't that good imo.

    Stonewall died a few weeks before Gettysburg and Lee found out the hard way that not every one of his commanders could do what Stonewall was capable of.

    I had ancestors on both sides there and walked each of their perspectives...humbling indeed

    Stonewall Jackson's successor, Richard S. Ewell was like a true wolf on the battlefield. Absolutely fearless and relentless and drove into the enemy like a centerpunch. But Ewell did not possess the tactical capabilities and ability to forecast enemy future plans into the very long term like Jackson could. Jackson was reported on many, many occasions to sit by lanternlight at a table for hours on end in complete solitude, intently studying maps and field drawings like a meditating warrior Buddhist monk. From these sessions, Jackson was able to predict exactly what the enemy would do in reaction to a variety of attacks and manuevers to an almost 90% degree of accuracy.

    Chancellorsville was Jackson's masterpiece. Two months later, Ewell was tasked with spearheading the Army of Northern Virginia into Gettysburg. On the first day, Ewell practically had the Army of the Potomac on the run like a sounder of hogs before a line drive on horseback. The critical mistake Ewell made was allowing the speed of his advance to be bogged down in the town itself where they had to fight street to street to flush pockets of Union resistance out. If Jackson had been in command, he would have split the army like he did at Chancellorsville using one prong to encircle the town from the outside and the main body to seize the high ground on the ridges so the enemy would not be able to regroup there. The Union forces cut off in the town would have no communication with the rest of their army and would have been compelled to surrender. And once the rest of Meade's forces were able to regroup, they would have found Lee in complete control of the high ground. To dislodge them would require extremely costly frontal assaults. It would be one of the toughest decisions to make for Meade. To abandon the Gettysburg area entirely to the Confederates and wait to see where they will strike next, from a vantage point that can easily take them right to Washington or New York, or risk another incredibly bloody debacle like Burnside faced at Fredericksburg.
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    Keep your Confederate dollars handy men . The South’s goin to do it again , so says Mr . Charley Daniels .

    My 2 cents on the statues , many removed placed only where God knows they are .
    What so many forget is both sides were Americans fitting on American soil with different beliefs . So those that see the statues are removed and to be forgotten about , are tossing Americans aside . What do you think they will do for me ? I’m proud to be from south of the Mason Dixon line . I own enough property to proudly display the statues of these great Americans . Bring they to me .

    A few of the “ Great Union “ Generals did such a good job of stomping out beliefs of southern Americans , they were sent west to destroy the life’s and beliefs of the true American : Indians , all in the name of proud Union Generals .

    Something many do not know or care to discuss is : General Lee’s wife was from George Washington’s direct family , his farm is now Arlington Cemetery , stolen from this great American , because of his honor and beliefs . How much more is this a true American than the many who protest to stop our history from being displayed .

    How long will it be until many will not want to be buried on southern soil of Arlington Cemetery and want to buried somewhere else . Sad sad part of history in this great country .
    I just got done reading a great biography of Longstreet. The author places his post war politics as the main reason that he didn't get the same veneration of other Confederates. At the end of the war, he was held in high esteem, as a warrior and gentleman. After the war, he very quickly turned to support reconstruction and integration so he rapidly became an enemy of the 'lost cause' portion of the population. These groups were the ones placing monuments, and he was not someone they wanted to celebrate.
    Gettysburg is one of my favorite places to visit. We go almost every year. As far as Longstreets monument, the artist designed it to be more "personal and approachable", and he has a tower named after him as well. The horse should be the one that is upset. "Hero", was a 16 hand irish thoroughbred.

    This is The Angle, where Armistead fell.

    The spot where he was injured is marked by a monument, just out of frame by the left most cannon. You can just see the corner of it.

    I learn something new every time we go.

    A few of the “ Great Union “ Generals did such a good job of stomping out beliefs of southern Americans , they were sent west to destroy the life’s and beliefs of the true American : Indians , all in the name of proud Union Generals .

    The Commanche earned a place in hell.

    Be sure to have a roll of paper towels to clean yourself from throwing up as you read it.
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    Gettysburg is one of my favorite places to visit. We go almost every year. As far as Longstreets monument, the artist designed it to be more "personal and approachable", and he has a tower named after him as well. The horse should be the one that is upset. "Hero", was a 16 hand irish thoroughbred.View attachment 8580822View attachment 8580824View attachment 8580823

    This is The Angle, where Armistead fell.
    View attachment 8580831
    The spot where he was injured is marked by a monument, just out of frame by the left most cannon. You can just see the corner of it.

    I learn something new every time we go.

    Those are the representative 3" guns of battery A 4th US field artillery commanded by Alonzo Cushing at the angle. Only 2 guns would be operational when picket charged. He is represented briefly in the movie Gettysburg continuing to fire his pieces solo after most of the gun crews were either killed or wounded... However this is probably false as he had been severely wounded at that point. Didn't get his moh until 2014.

    Cushing was arguably responsible for delivering a massive amount of casualties to pickets charge.
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    Thanks to the OP for the story. We will take the kids to Gettysburg at the end of May for a week. Any advice on how to do the visit is appreciated. We've done a lot of battlefields the last few years.
    You can pay for a guide at the visitor center, if memory serves.

    What I did was download an app for free that would guide you around the battlefield, and tell you where to turn. It would give a short story at significant spots of the tour. Well worth it.

    Pictured is the app I used.

    Screenshot_20200824-185352_One UI Home.jpg
    Thanks to the OP for the story. We will take the kids to Gettysburg at the end of May for a week. Any advice on how to do the visit is appreciated. We've done a lot of battlefields the last few years.
    If looking for a place to stay get one of the cabins at Round Top Campground.

    Had a fantastic time with family there.

    The campground is actually on the battlefield but just outside the Park.
    Cannons firing at you would be terrifying. I can’t find the video I’m looking for, but there’s one with a cannon way across a field is firing towards the camera and it’s something else.

    This is better than nothing.

    Imagine several of these in seconds coming your way.

    Found one

    It's not called King of battle for nothing

    A long time ago, I shot 10 pound Parrot rifles with some friends at Ft. Sill. We could hit a tank or an APC easily at 3,000 yards.

    IIRC the distance between Union and Confederate artillery at Gettysburg was between 1500-1700 yards. That's very, very, very scary!
    Interesting point on cancel culture, even back then, and somebody having to be the scapegoat. I can remember my grandfather saying "if Longstreet had listened to Lee and not hesitated supporting Pickett, we'd be paying taxes in Richmond"
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    I just got done reading a great biography of Longstreet. The author places his post war politics as the main reason that he didn't get the same veneration of other Confederates. At the end of the war, he was held in high esteem, as a warrior and gentleman. After the war, he very quickly turned to support reconstruction and integration so he rapidly became an enemy of the 'lost cause' portion of the population. These groups were the ones placing monuments, and he was not someone they wanted to celebrate.

    100% aligned with what I've been reading. Care to share what the biography is that you read for those who would be interested in checking it out?

    Thanks to the OP for the story. We will take the kids to Gettysburg at the end of May for a week. Any advice on how to do the visit is appreciated. We've done a lot of battlefields the last few years.

    I'd be happy to make a few recommendations to you as you get closer to May (would help if you had an idea of what your plans/desires are so I can help narrow things down) but 100% would recommend you get a tour guide at least for one of those days. If you can do it twice, even better (they're usually for 2 hours and very reasonably priced).

    If looking for a place to stay get one of the cabins at Round Top Campground.

    Had a fantastic time with family there.

    The campground is actually on the battlefield but just outside the Park.

    That's a good tip, also would say as a more obscure recommendation that you might not hear, but you might want to also plan on places to "eat/drink" as well. The battle wasn't confined to just the fields surrounding the town of Gettysburg but also included fighting within the town's borders as well as its residents hid in their cellars for 3 days. That being said, you can include those type of locations into your trip as well if that'd be of interest to you.

    Here's just a quick blurb on what I'm referencing.

    It's not called King of battle for nothing

    There's also a correlation as to artillery and the casualties that are listed as "missing". As @akmike47 shared the power and accuracy of those cannons, many of the 'missing' can be attributed to there frankly being nothing left of the remains from soldiers on the receiving end of artillery to identify.

    A grim/morbid reality, but true.
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    100% aligned with what I've been reading. Care to share what the biography is that you read for those who would be interested in checking it out?

    Its Longstreet: The Confederate General Who Defied the South. The author had access to an amazing amount of primary sources, and makes an excellent case for his post-war politics really putting the nail in his coffin with Confederates. He was a slave owner and very pro-slavery before and during the war, almost to the point of being rabidly in support of slavery.

    My take is that he saw the war as lost much earlier than other Confederate leaders, and was completely demoralized by the senseless death of his men, he seems to have really taken their sacrifice personally. After the war, he seems to have wanted to move on with life as quickly as possible, settled in New Orleans, and came to work with and support numerous black groups and politicians, as well as the more radical Republicans.

    Really, a crazy political swing for someone with his background, something clearly changed his world outlook in the latter portion of the war. He still respected Lee but hated Davis, and kept butting heads with hard line Confederates for the rest of his life. Its a great book, dwells on his later political life a little too long IMO, but full of superb info.

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    Its Longstreet: The Confederate General Who Defied the South. The author had access to an amazing amount of primary sources, and makes an excellent case for his post-war politics really putting the nail in his coffin with Confederates. He was a slave owner and very pro-slavery before and during the war, almost to the point of being rabidly in support of slavery.

    My take is that he saw the war as a lost much earlier than other Confederate leaders, and was completely demoralized by the senseless death of his men, he seems to have really taken their sacrifice personally. After the war, he seems to have wanted to move on with life as quickly as possible, settled in New Orleans, and came to work with and support numerous black groups and politicians, as well as the more radical Republicans.

    Really, a crazy political swing for someone with his background, something clearly changed his world outlook in the latter portion of the war. He still respected Lee but hated Davis, and kept butting heads with hard line Confederates for the rest of his life. Its a great book, dwells on his later political life a little too long IMO, but full of superb info.

    Thank you for sharing,

    I'll check it out. Sounds right up my alley.

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    For those interested- some more videos I was watching on Gettysburg (back when the History Channel did history shows/much like when MTV used to be a music channel).

    The 1st one is the wheat field- I think we've talked about this here before. Something like 20 acres of absolute hell on earth. The other video deals with Culp's Hill and how that strategic position ebbed & flowed and how certain decisions were made that could have altered the entire battle.

    Both videos are about 45 minutes long so only sharing them for the historians here.

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    This fella does a fantastic job explaining what the folks are seeing. But look at their faces- they get overloaded with information and shut down mentally.

    I can't help but think this is an error in how we teach history. You can tell that the audience has no concept of what artillery is, what infantry is, what's a corps, what's a brigade, what's a division, what's a regiment... etc.

    It's information overload and without an understanding of these terms- as accurate as the recollection of the events being told is- it's all lost on the audience.

    This style of explaining the past is only going to experience a further divide in reaching the audience as time moves on because that's just not how folks receive information these days.

    You need to get down and use references they understand... have you ever been to a stadium to watch a sporting event? Yes- good... let's equate how many spectators sat in that stadium watching the game... That type of thing- Corps/Brigades/Regiments/Divisions etc are just terms that folks no longer are able to conceptualize.
