Watching Youtube


Feb 28, 2013
So I have been watching videos to get informed on long range shooting and I see guys shooting what looks like mountains and valleys etc. Do these guys own this vast land? Is it government land? If so can you shoot on it if there are no No trespassing signs? How about if you buy a hunting license? I guess it would be very hard to find the owner to these vast lands if it's not the government's. I hate living in MD. I have minimum of 4 hours to get to anywhere remote enough to do LRS
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Lots of land out west is public and BLM (Bureau of Land Management) land. Shooting in national forest land is legal in most areas, and in Colorado and Wyoming it transitions from plains to mountains fairly quickly. So seeing mountains in the background is pretty common. There are also massive ranches and pieces of private property that with permission can be used for long range shooting.
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Lots of land out west is public and BLM (Bureau of Land Management) land. Shooting in national forest land is legal in most areas, and in Colorado and Wyoming it transitions from plains to mountains fairly quickly. So seeing mountains in the background is pretty common. There are also massive ranches and pieces of private property that with permission can be used for long range shooting.

And make sure you get permission on the private land. They do watch, they do care, and most of them do prosecute.
Land access is one of the reasons I’m happy I moved out west. When I lived in Georgia it was hard to find anywhere to shoot other than a 100 yard range unless you knew someone with land. I live in Vegas now and I can drive in pretty much any direction and find wide open public land with plenty of mountains for a backstop. I’m pretty spoiled now. (But the wind can be ridiculous)
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Living in Colorado, yes, you still have to know a guy who knows a guy. I don't know anybody and it sucks. Clubs in general have a years long waiting list, or are too freaking far to drive. More than 1.5 hours one way is too much for me. I have resigned myself to Pawnee Grasslands, and have 2 spots where I can set targets up out to 800, but that is a crappy hike with steel (I respect the "No vehicles" signs), and it get's real fun when the "lanes" to the left and right are being used by spray and pray shooters.

Not much vegetation to help read the wind, and the mirage can get really bad (1.5 MOA target flat out gone past 600 upon occasion).
Great topic and one that frustrates me no end, here in Australia the situation is much worse shooting on public land is banned period other than a few states that allow hunting in some small areas but no target shooting allowed. Sounds like some states in the US have similar difficulty to us down here?? Unless you know someone who knows someone or are related to someone with land you are screwed.

In my view this is the single biggest factor in the growth of shooting sports and most certainly ELR type stuff. Doesn't matter how good your 10 thousand dollar rifles are and how good your reloads are if you don't have land to shoot what are you gunna do?? There are a handful of lucky people who have access to the land whilst the masses are stuck at the local 100yard shooting range!!!!

The closest thing to consistent longer range shooting for most would be f class but then comes all the rules and BS around that and shooting ranges. I have done the yards asking land owners for permission to shoot its basically a 100% knock back rate and I cant really blame them to be honest. Who wants someone on their property blasting away with rifles at steel targets, very little gain for a land owner.

There must be a market out there for people who will pay to use someone's property to shoot long range steel. I'm sure this happens in the US with much more freedoms than down here. There would be too much red tape and bs for a landowner here to have shooters paying to shoot targets on there property. From what Ive seen there are small groups who have access to land and of course this is held in very close secret kinda like fishing spots no one wants others taking there fishing spot. This is understandable but it does little to grow and expand shooting sports further.
Great topic and one that frustrates me no end, here in Australia the situation is much worse shooting on public land is banned period other than a few states that allow hunting in some small areas but no target shooting allowed. Sounds like some states in the US have similar difficulty to us down here?? Unless you know someone who knows someone or are related to someone with land you are screwed.

In my view this is the single biggest factor in the growth of shooting sports and most certainly ELR type stuff. Doesn't matter how good your 10 thousand dollar rifles are and how good your reloads are if you don't have land to shoot what are you gunna do?? There are a handful of lucky people who have access to the land whilst the masses are stuck at the local 100yard shooting range!!!!

The closest thing to consistent longer range shooting for most would be f class but then comes all the rules and BS around that and shooting ranges. I have done the yards asking land owners for permission to shoot its basically a 100% knock back rate and I cant really blame them to be honest. Who wants someone on their property blasting away with rifles at steel targets, very little gain for a land owner.

There must be a market out there for people who will pay to use someone's property to shoot long range steel. I'm sure this happens in the US with much more freedoms than down here. There would be too much red tape and bs for a landowner here to have shooters paying to shoot targets on there property. From what Ive seen there are small groups who have access to land and of course this is held in very close secret kinda like fishing spots no one wants others taking there fishing spot. This is understandable but it does little to grow and expand shooting sports further.
Good lord that sounds terrible . id pack up my bags and probably move to the united states to be honest thats ridiculous .