<span style="color: #3366FF">Play while reading please.</span>
<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Wn_iz8z2AGw"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Wn_iz8z2AGw" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>
1. For any of the non profits that the site supports, Cash donations are always welcome. Especially corporate sponsorships. Just ask, I'll email a corporate packet if you want one of ours.
2. Get in on raffles, auctions or giveaways. Plenty on this site. Hope4heroes currently has them for a Rifle, suppressor, & cruise.
3. Sponsor a Hero, see or website for details on any of these.
4. Volunteer your time. Check the site for a chapter near you, start a chapter, have a neighborhood BBQ, car wash at your local church, high school, lemonade stand, anything like this is helpful, not only with fund raising, but awareness. the more folks that know about us, the more troops we can help.
5. buy a T-shirt, write a letter to BAMC or Wilford Hall in San Antonio, to any wounded Marine, sailor, soldier or airman. Ask them what you can do, mention hope4heroes, and let them know you and hope4heroes is here for them.
6. Pray, be reverent, give thanks. And should you cross paths with a young or old American veteran, or service member, give them a moment of your time, a piece of gum, a cold drink, a warm smile, and a hug.
7. Just say thanks, even as a Veteran myself I still say thanks to the younger troops. They are my brothers and sisters. I now owe them my life and respect.
8. Today, stand at a table, open a bottle of wine, turn your empty wine glass upside down on the table, and play taps, while silently saluting the memory of the fallen........
Semper Fi
Steven Fikes
usmc, 91-99
40% DV
<object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Wn_iz8z2AGw"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Wn_iz8z2AGw" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> </embed></object>
1. For any of the non profits that the site supports, Cash donations are always welcome. Especially corporate sponsorships. Just ask, I'll email a corporate packet if you want one of ours.
2. Get in on raffles, auctions or giveaways. Plenty on this site. Hope4heroes currently has them for a Rifle, suppressor, & cruise.
3. Sponsor a Hero, see or website for details on any of these.
4. Volunteer your time. Check the site for a chapter near you, start a chapter, have a neighborhood BBQ, car wash at your local church, high school, lemonade stand, anything like this is helpful, not only with fund raising, but awareness. the more folks that know about us, the more troops we can help.
5. buy a T-shirt, write a letter to BAMC or Wilford Hall in San Antonio, to any wounded Marine, sailor, soldier or airman. Ask them what you can do, mention hope4heroes, and let them know you and hope4heroes is here for them.
6. Pray, be reverent, give thanks. And should you cross paths with a young or old American veteran, or service member, give them a moment of your time, a piece of gum, a cold drink, a warm smile, and a hug.
7. Just say thanks, even as a Veteran myself I still say thanks to the younger troops. They are my brothers and sisters. I now owe them my life and respect.
8. Today, stand at a table, open a bottle of wine, turn your empty wine glass upside down on the table, and play taps, while silently saluting the memory of the fallen........
Semper Fi
Steven Fikes
usmc, 91-99
40% DV