We live in a nation of frigging idiots.............seriously stupid is a way of life.


MSgt USAF ret.
Full Member
Apr 8, 2011
Pacific Northwest
America is home to the stupidest fucking people on the face of the earth, assholes populate the political left like cysts on the asses of hobos. These people are so damned stupid it is pointless to even try and educate them, they are simply incapable of learning.

The 700,000 shitbags who live in the District of Columbia want to be a state. An even more lawless version of the crack addled, anti-gun, pro-crime, pro-corruption left wing shithole than they are now. The place is outright communist and has been for decades. They have no idea of the history of the district or why it was created in the first god damned place. It was NEVER intended to be a state and it was NEVER intended to be a haven from prosecution in neighboring states. It was intended to be a FEDERAL space for the FEDERAL government to operate without the FEDERAL government being under undue influence or control of a state. Assholes who move there do not get a representative in congress or two fucking senators because they are already directly controlled by congress.

The current smallest state in the union is Rhode Island at 1214 sq miles. The District of Columbia has half the population and is 64 sq miles. Can you imagine how fucking stupid it would be to make a state 80% the size of Boise and give the god damned socialists permanent control of Congress and the Senate.

I would support this totally fucking stupid idea if we can also separate conservative southern Illinois, Northern Michigan, Eastern Washington, Eastern Oregon, Eastern Montana, upstate New York and Northern California in states as well. If we are going to go full on fucktard, why not divide the entire nation into 65 square miles chunks and call them fucking states?

Better yet, every private land owner with more than 41,000 acres of property should be his or her own fucking state. This includes groups of land owners who in the name of personal freedom can combine their properties to equal the size of the District of Columbia and then form their own state, get their own flag and their own congressman and two senators as well.

For more leftist ignorance, we can remove the dams from the Snake River. Here is a fucktard idea that has finally come to full realization.

If the Federal government says it will cost $28 BILLION dollars to destroy the dams and cripple agriculture, shipping and the power grid in two or three states, it will really cost $84 Billion dollars and take a minimum of twenty years to complete. Replacing nearly 4,000 megawatts of power will require a minimum of 4,000 windmills and tens of billions in new powerlines and infrastructure and none of this will work on demand, thus crippling any industry that requires electricity in the region.

Currently the Federal government spends between $350 million and a Billion dollars a year trying to do something with salmon on the Columbia and Snake rivers. In 30 years and after spending several BILLIONS of dollars they have returned exactly jack shit for improvements.

On average 150,000 salmon of all types return, between 10-15% are wild fish. These fish cost the federal government approximately $3,000 dollars a piece. It would literally be cheaper to make 150,000 120 ounce solid silver salmon and throw them in the river for fishermen to catch and be about as useful to the ecology of the region.

The feds have created a study and are taking public comments so they can decide to breach these dams and destroy the region once and for all time. Please take the time to comment on their web site.

Tell us how you feel about Puerto Rico.

Absolutely. Fuck Puerto Rico and everyone on that fucking rock. Instead of allowing them to become a state we should grant them independence and let them go their separate ways. Very few people hate America more than the typical Puerto Rican, the islands language is not English and it never will be. They have driven out every active duty military base and the island government has no use for the DOD. We should call Spain and apologize for taking it in the first place and give the shithole back.

I had buddies go down there to help stand up their power grid after the hurricane. They had local government thugs who demanded they remove all American flags from their trucks, gear, hard hats and uniforms and gave them a Puerto Rican flag to fly on their trucks, it was required if they were to work anywhere. If they refused they simply stayed parked until their bosses sorted this shit out.

Puerto Rico is a good lesson on the dangers of Imperialism. Winning a victory over a 3rd string European power was nothing more than a shameful display of military might. Our victory over Spain generated nothing of value for the average taxpayer in the USA. FEMA squandered $50 BILLION dollars there since the last hurricane. We squander $3 Billion a year in Medicaid in Puerto Rico. We give them $1.9 BILLION a year in food stamps. We send $6 BILLION in Medicare and Social Security payments to b island where you get SSAN Disability if you cannot speak English.

As a island the Puerto Ricans paid $3.5 Billion dollars in taxes of all types to the federal government. For every one dollar in taxes they paid...................they got two to three dollars back in free shit. A shit deal even by the standards of the typical democrat.

Or give it to the Russians if they promise to stop whining about Alaska.
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I lived on the shores of both the mid-Columbia and lower snake for quite some time. This whole “breach the dams to save the salmon” thing is a broken record of a trope they trot out any time they get bored. I wholeheartedly agree that the dollars spent on the salmon project is preposterous. I say, have a drink and ignore it all.
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I lived on the shores of both the mid-Columbia and lower snake for quite some time. This whole “breach the dams to save the salmon” thing is a broken record of a trope they trot out any time they get bored. I wholeheartedly agree that the dollars spent on the salmon project is preposterous. I say, have a drink and ignore it all.

If they get their way and they are about one election from getting their way you will be impressed with how high an electric bill can go. Their goal is to destroy all hydropower and they do not have a plan to replace it.

In the 1990's, I separated after a decade of active duty and went to college in Washington. My girlfriend back then worked for the Northwest Power Planning Council. This was an organization that allowed the governors of PNW states to appoint a crony to a do nothing job dividing the spoils and wealth created by dams. They frequently held hearings where fish communists and Sierra Club scumbags plotted the destruction of civilization in the northwest.

I attended the hearings to cover for a professor of mine who was writing a trope of some sort on their workings. He knew my girlfriend was there so it was an easy 4.0 class for me. Anyway, one fine day I was sitting in a row of earth nazi's and listening to them plot their next demand. They all agreed that salmon in the Snake and Columbia were essentially extinct and it would take millions of years to recreate them. But they thought it was time to get started. I asked what the goal was? What was their desired final result??????

They said, "To restore the Pacific Northwest to it's pre-European contact state." "Ideally, we should remove all non-Native Americans from within 250 feet of any body of water, oceans, lakes, rivers, ponds or streams and not allow them to live in large numbers anywhere."

I never forgot the quote, I had it on tape for my professor. It helped me to understand there can never be any compromise with these people. Much like gun control, they have an extremely unreasonable position and they are unwilling to bend. It is pointless. They now control the governors, state reps, state senators, US senators and most of the congressman and with rigged mail in elections, they will never lose this control. Once we lose a couple more congressmen, this is happening.

They are in charge of the Army Corps, Dept of Interior, BOR and infecting the boards of most power companies in the regions as we speak.
If they get their way and they are about one election from getting their way you will be impressed with how high an electric bill can go. Their goal is to destroy all hydropower and they do not have a plan to replace it.

In the 1990's, I separated after a decade of active duty and went to college in Washington. My girlfriend back then worked for the Northwest Power Planning Council. This was an organization that allowed the governors of PNW states to appoint a crony to a do nothing job dividing the spoils and wealth created by dams. They frequently held hearings where fish communists and Sierra Club scumbags plotted the destruction of civilization in the northwest.

I attended the hearings to cover for a professor of mine who was writing a trope of some sort on their workings. He knew my girlfriend was there so it was an easy 4.0 class for me. Anyway, one fine day I was sitting in a row of earth nazi's and listening to them plot their next demand. They all agreed that salmon in the Snake and Columbia were essentially extinct and it would take millions of years to recreate them. But they thought it was time to get started. I asked what the goal was? What was their desired final result??????

They said, "To restore the Pacific Northwest to it's pre-European contact state." "Ideally, we should remove all non-Native Americans from within 250 feet of any body of water, oceans, lakes, rivers, ponds or streams and not allow them to live in large numbers anywhere."

I never forgot the quote, I had it on tape for my professor. It helped me to understand there can never be any compromise with these people. Much like gun control, they have an extremely unreasonable position and they are unwilling to bend. It is pointless. They now control the governors, state reps, state senators, US senators and most of the congressman and with rigged mail in elections, they will never lose this control. Once we lose a couple more congressmen, this is happening.

They are in charge of the Army Corps, Dept of Interior, BOR and infecting the boards of most power companies in the regions as we speak.
Should have asked them (attempting to keep a straight face) "Where are you going to live" ?
Should have asked them (attempting to keep a straight face) "Where are you going to live" ?

They would still live right next to the river. They are their to protect it so they get privilege's. When they burn your store down at the next BLM riot, they would expect you to get it back opened on Monday so they could shop there.

Most of them seemed to live in a world detached from the consequences of their actions.
I think we need to go back to only property owners getting to vote. That would remove the vast majority of morons from voting right there.
A man can’t own property in Texas. He can only rent it at an extraordinary price set by the state. The landlord will send his badged hitman to kill you if you don’t come up with the cash on time. Looks like Texas residents wouldn’t be able to vote.
How this is not a bigger story is a mystery. Dr. Fuckcheese admits his shitty vaccine is a shitty vaccine. The astounding part is that no one gives a shit and no one is interested in improving it or recognizing that it's only positive was that it was better than nothing. Where I work, they are still trying to fire employees who refused the vaccine, even ones who have already had covid-19 and are fine. Even though "science" says they have plenty of antibodies from already having a natural immunity.

Why are these cunts screaming "we believe in science111" when they fucking refuse to believe in science? Thank god I'm working nights and do not have to go to the "Anybody can be a women, luncheon" or tune in for the zoom meeting on the difficulties of being an utterly unqualified, fucking absolutely stupid lesbian in a man's world.

I'm looking forward to retiring and going home to be bitter the rest of my life. Then I'll have some peace and quiet.

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How this is not a bigger story is a mystery. Dr. Fuckcheese admits his shitty vaccine is a shitty vaccine. The astounding part is that no one gives a shit and no one is interested in improving it or recognizing that it's only positive was that it was better than nothing. Where I work, they are still trying to fire employees who refused the vaccine, even ones who have already had covid-19 and are fine. Even though "science" says they have plenty of antibodies from already having a natural immunity.

Why are these cunts screaming "we believe in science111" when they fucking refuse to believe in science? Thank god I'm working nights and do not have to go to the "Anybody can be a women, luncheon" or tune in for the zoom meeting on the difficulties of being an utterly unqualified, fucking absolutely stupid lesbian in a man's world.

I'm looking forward to retiring and going home to be bitter the rest of my life. Then I'll have some peace and quiet.

There isn’t any positives to this vaxx and It’s far worse than “better than nothing.” Those pushing it are truly evil. I’m not sure that retiring and going home will give you peace and quite either. There is bad stuff coming down the pipeline.
How this is not a bigger story is a mystery. Dr. Fuckcheese admits his shitty vaccine is a shitty vaccine. The astounding part is that no one gives a shit and no one is interested in improving it or recognizing that it's only positive was that it was better than nothing. Where I work, they are still trying to fire employees who refused the vaccine, even ones who have already had covid-19 and are fine. Even though "science" says they have plenty of antibodies from already having a natural immunity.

Why are these cunts screaming "we believe in science111" when they fucking refuse to believe in science? Thank god I'm working nights and do not have to go to the "Anybody can be a women, luncheon" or tune in for the zoom meeting on the difficulties of being an utterly unqualified, fucking absolutely stupid lesbian in a man's world.

I'm looking forward to retiring and going home to be bitter the rest of my life. Then I'll have some peace and quiet.

They now say that the MNRA can indeed do something to your DNA which the adamantly denied all along.