WEAPONS SAVE LIVES: Armed Israeli couple shoot dead 7 terrorists before dying to save their children. Kibbutz militia kills 20 terrorists elsewhere.

Blue Sky Country

Urban Cowboy
Full Member
    OCTOBER 7, 2023

    An Israeli couple who were both reservists in the IDF and kept their rifles with them placed their 10 month old twins into a secure safe room in their kibbutz house before opening fire on armed Hamas terrorists trying to break in. The couple's rifle barrage killed 7 Hamas paramilitary fighters before both were also killed. But, having just lost 7 of their comrades, the Hamas raiders had enough and pulled away from that house, never breaching the safe room where the couple's children were hidden. Both children were rescued and found unharmed still in the secure room by armed relatives who arrived later with a party to hunt down any remaining Hamas fighters.

    OCTOBER 7, 2023

    Unlike some other kibbutz, (collective farms that were formed since the 1948 founding of the Israeli state in order to ensure a rapid and all season undisrupted food production for the state's budding population) Nir Am had an armory containing military rifles that could be opened and arms distributed to the kibbutz's farmers in an emergency. Nir Am resembled the layout of the collective farms which had been organized in China by the Communist Party after the PRC's establishment in 1949 to expedite food production and every Chinese 'farm unit' up to the end of the collectivization era in 1975 had a communal armory that contained up to 2 rifles for every farmer and on weekends, farmers had to undergo range practice to ensure that their shooting skills stayed sharp. On the morning of Hamas' deadly raid of October 7, 2023, the security coordinator of Nir Am Kibbutz, 25 year old Inbar Lieberman, heard the gunfire of the terrorist raiders approaching in the distance and immediately alerted her fellow farmers. By the time the terrorists reached Nir Am, Lieberman and 12 armed men had took cover with their M-4s and delivered a withering fire onto the motorized terrorist horde, killing 20 Hamas gunmen and forcing the rest into a chaotic retreat that saw them running over their own wounded and dismounted comrades as they fled the scene. The terrorists did not attack Nir Am Kibbutz again and flanked around it to strike other settlements elsewhere. Every member of Nir Am Kibbutz emerged unharmed. In another nearby kibbutz that had no communal armory or armed residents, Hamas terrorists killed and beheaded 40 children, many who were infants in their cribs.

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    Armed civilians. = Citizens able to defend themselves.

    Unarmed citizens = Slaughter victims.

    Yet our government continues to try and disarm us and take away our rights. Especially concerning with our wide open borders.

    Preaching to the choir I know, but many days I shake my head in disgust at how things continue to deteriorate.

    kudos to the Kibbutz militia !
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    Armed civilians. = Citizens able to defend themselves.

    Unarmed citizens = Slaughter victims.

    Yet our government continues to try and disarm us and take away our rights. Especially concerning with our wide open borders

    Preaching to the choir I know, but many days I shake my head in disgust at how things continue to deteriorate.

    kudos to the Kibbutz militia !

    Preach it brother! You are actually NOT preaching to the choir at all... This site, and other similar forums get tens of thousands of views every day. We have up to 600 guests here at any time of day and night. Every thread and every meme and talking point that strikes both logical and emotional processes in readers and make them see what is going on is a good deed done.

    One guy in my own neighborhood with whom I had been having a conversation about bowhunting one morning while having coffee perked up when I mentioned Snipers Hide. Turns out that his junior high school son had been given a class assignment on gun control and he went online to gather materials on gun control related talking points, ended up clicking on a Hide thread, and had went down a month long marathon reading threads in the Pit. It is suffice to say that the kid does not support ANY form of gun control anymore, and he told his father that he is "only making pro-gun control talking points in his assignment just to get a good grade and get the fuck on up out of there". He actually MADE his father get a NYC rifle permit and a 12 gauge pump shotgun for the family's house after reading news coverage in the Pit...

    That is why I always said that the Pit MUST be kept highlighted, open, and broadcasting to everyone. It is this site's radio tower.
    Armed civilians. = Citizens able to defend themselves.

    Unarmed citizens = Slaughter victims.

    Yet our government continues to try and disarm us and take away our rights. Especially concerning with our wide open borders.

    Preaching to the choir I know, but many days I shake my head in disgust at how things continue to deteriorate.

    kudos to the Kibbutz militia !
    Yeah, and Texas DPS just issued a warning urging people to stay alert after the Israeli attack.

    Hey thanks, Capt. Obvious. Next they're going to tell us is open borders might allow some bad people to enter the U.S.

    OCTOBER 7, 2023

    An Israeli couple who were both reservists in the IDF and kept their rifles with them placed their 10 month old twins into a secure safe room in their kibbutz house before opening fire on armed Hamas terrorists trying to break in. The couple's rifle barrage killed 7 Hamas paramilitary fighters before both were also killed. But, having just lost 7 of their comrades, the Hamas raiders had enough and pulled away from that house, never breaching the safe room where the couple's children were hidden. Both children were rescued and found unharmed still in the secure room by armed relatives who arrived later with a party to hunt down any remaining Hamas fighters.

    OCTOBER 7, 2023

    Unlike some other kibbutz, (collective farms that were formed since the 1948 founding of the Israeli state in order to ensure a rapid and all season undisrupted food production for the state's budding population) Nir Am had an armory containing military rifles that could be opened and arms distributed to the kibbutz's farmers in an emergency. Nir Am resembled the layout of the collective farms which had been organized in China by the Communist Party after the PRC's establishment in 1949 to expedite food production and every Chinese 'farm unit' up to the end of the collectivization era in 1975 had a communal armory that contained up to 2 rifles for every farmer and on weekends, farmers had to undergo range practice to ensure that their shooting skills stayed sharp. On the morning of Hamas' deadly raid of October 7, 2023, the security coordinator of Nir Am Kibbutz, 25 year old Inbar Lieberman, heard the gunfire of the terrorist raiders approaching in the distance and immediately alerted her fellow farmers. By the time the terrorists reached Nir Am, Lieberman and 12 armed men had took cover with their M-4s and delivered a withering fire onto the motorized terrorist horde, killing 20 Hamas gunmen and forcing the rest into a chaotic retreat that saw them running over their own wounded and dismounted comrades as they fled the scene. The terrorists did not attack Nir Am Kibbutz again and flanked around it to strike other settlements elsewhere. Every member of Nir Am Kibbutz emerged unharmed. In another nearby kibbutz that had no communal armory or armed residents, Hamas terrorists killed and beheaded 40 children, many who were infants in their cribs.

    I dunno NY compost, how about you shut the fuck up about Israeli "heroes".

    Unless, of course, all you are interested in is writing an obituary of said "hero".

    Never, ever, talk to the "media".
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    If it turns out to be another piece of prop for Israel, we will find out soon enough. Just like the stories about the Ghost of Kiev and other Ukrainian superheroes. Nothing exists in a vacuum, especially on the Internet. For now I made this thread because it helps boost the cause for the armed citizenry. If it turns out otherwise, updates will be made.
    Dont mess with mama bear.
    nice shooting. Wish there had been more armed with long guns. RIP

    At one point I thought i could shoot a pistol. I dont know what it is but nowadays I just suck with a pistol.
    Above story is same BS as ''all female IDF squad wipes out 100 Hamas in freeing a Kibbutz'', completely made up feel good story .Fact remains most militarized society in the world folded like sack of potatoes, no matter how many stories they want to make up it doesn't change that ...

    Now back to the program of hussling for benjamins
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    I know the North American Jewish community well. They vote 80% Democrat.

    They are insulated and typically do not like guns. They stick together to their demise and to their benefit.

    I learned that they don't get along. Moscow hates Tel Aviv loathes NYC distains L.A.

    They get along as well as Shia and Sunni.

    Charlie Wilson's war the movie depicts the tense relationship between D.C. and Tel Aviv.

    Friends, but not bestest friends.

    Problem with Hitler is that he had too much Integrity and Stalin had none. 😁
    I remember in the movie Casino when at the end Sam Rotstein (Robert DeNiro) was afraid his wife Ginger was going to send mobster Nicki Santaro (Joe Peschi) to his house to deal with him, Rothstein called his right hand man and fellow Jew, Billy Schubert played by Don Rickles, to tell him to bring a gun to his house..

    It was a subtle point that even in the mob, where everyone supposedly carries a gat, the two Jews were scrambling to protect themselves, sitting there scared shitless in robe and pajamas holding an O/U bird gun.
    A Jewish guy I know blamed me and black rifles for Columbine right after it happened. I doubt his opinion has changed.

    Blame him for the Titanic sinking. He's gonna be like: "But, but, the Titanic was sunk by an iceberg, are you nuts?!"

    You: "Iceberg, Goldberg, whatever. Now get the fuck outta my face and don't speak to me anymore. And don't come to me asking for help if armed thugs are trying to break into your place. I am gonna be too busy having a beer"...

    It's hard to take the high road. But responding to fucktard shit with equal fucktard shit is pretty easy...
    Above story is same BS as ''all female IDF squad wipes out 100 Hamas in freeing a Kibbutz'', completely made up feel good story .Fact remains most militarized society in the world folded like sack of potatoes, no matter how many stories they want to make up it doesn't change that ...

    Now back to the program of hussling for benjamins
    View attachment 8261112
    Yeah, I'm sure that attack, which they're claiming was worse than 9/11 which is bullshit, will cost the U.S. taxpayers.
    *per capita.

    But they always shoot each other...so the shock value isn't there.

    Israel is a 1st world warzone. Rare. Always has been since around the 60's.
    Yeah, I hear them saying that *, like it's a qualifier that moves them into 1st Place in some type of victim contest.

    Israel was always butthurt over 9/11 because it momentarily took the focus off of them as being history's victim.
    Yeah. They always get into big time trouble every goodamn 100-150 years.

    Greeks and Roman's Nazi'd them like A LOT of times. Same with most all the other empires.

    It's like. Why don't you just sit down and shut the hell up for 150 years?

    Are you retarded or something?

    I can pick apart any race easily. Poles. Irish. English. Germans. Greeks. Sub- Tropical Dalmatian Serbs. (Croats). Fuckin' Rwandans.

    Mountain Mohammed Croatians. (Bosniaks).
    Greek Serbs. (I'm the Herojska, Greek Macedon Warrior 6.5x39). Tennis fucks. Baby NIN killers.


    Not even hard.

    So I told this Polish Terrorist to go and blow up this Russian car, and he comes back with a black circle around his mouth. Pollacks are retarded.


    Violent Irish Axel-Rose Scots-Irish are violent Viking/Celti/Moors. Libyans like the French.

    Couldn't hold back the Muslims so they look swarthy.

    Germans are autistic Isolationists who just want to be left alone or they have meltdowns until they get shot in the Face by Black Irish Canadians every goddamn Century.
    We could be friends.

    The Germans always make good shit.

    Luckily Russia was too stupid to capitalize on that after WWII.
    They are idiots. Americans built all their good machines in the 20s and 30s. 80% of the smart Germans fled to the America's. Nobody wanted to work for shit Russia.

    Ukrainians and Finns made up their best engineers in the Soviet times.

    Even today...Russian homes are STILL not up to 1500's Swiss or Bavarian standards, outside of the Moscow and St. Petersburg. They just walk around like Manitoba Oji/Cree drunk all the time with garbage and vodka bottles everywhere saying nnnnnnnyyyyyyyyetttt. Nyyyyyyy. Meeeeeeessssshhhhkeee. Где моя бутылка водки? Где моя бутылка водки? where is my vodka bottle?? Look at the fuckin Cyrillic. Just looks like ammo crates with dead people everywhere and plastic landmines in daycares.

    Every Russian i have ever met says that Russia is a complete and total pile.of shit. If I get drunk and make fun of them they just agree.

    Now, all their east of Ural frozen oil equipment is going to be fucked. They kicked out all the westerns techs.

    Ray Tarted.
    Pretty much. Middle aged men wearing track suits, drunk on vodka.

    A friend that was a former fighter pilot who later taught Aeronautics at U.T. Austin, said when engineers studied one of the first Russian Migs that was captured there was nothing to learn from it, it was so crudely built. The skin on it appeared homemade with bad fitting, overlapping sheet metal that looked like it was riveted together by drunks, which it probably was.