Weight vs Velocity???


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Mar 25, 2019
I have no idea how I feel about "knock down power". I honestly thought pistol wise 9mm was good enough and everything else was wasted recoil. That is until I saw a Garand Thumb video about 10mm on a Ballistics dummy. The amount of damage it did to that body over 9mm was indisputable.

So that got me to wondering about rifle rounds. The below video is 7mm PRC vs 7mm Rem Mag. First shot is 7mm PRC with 180gr hand loads and the second is 150gr 7mm Rem Mag.

So as you can see the steel plate acts VASTLY different from round to round. But the plate is a solid object and not a mostly liquid based with bones and muscle body. So does the effect on a steel plate replicate what "stopping power" would translate to tissue?


I honestly don't know where to begin....your preface to this... the complete lack of regard for the bullet construction/type while having 2x different bullets of different weights...or the comparative medium.

With terminal ballistics, you don't know till you know. Achieving desireable results is a very delicate balancing act of weight/velocity/construction....especially if you're dealing with a variety of mediums as encountered on a specific meat target (and not just one that's a gelatin aggregate taken out of contex)
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There's a reason why most people who play in the ELR game value bullet weight over speed. The ability of the bullet to impart energy to either the target (on hits) or the ground (on misses) is critical to spotting and correcting. Weight and terminal performance will win over speed here.

As an example, my 300 PRC shooting 230 hybrids was easier to spot (both hits and misses) at 2250 yards than my 37XC with 353 grain Lehigh copper solids. I'm anxiously awaiting the new Berger 410 jacketed bullets so I can ditch the solids