I take Zyrtec for allergies. It's not a "take this pill for a little while" kind of drug.
It has to get established in your system for more than a week. It is worthless for a cold/flu.
If you have a cough: cognac or grand Marnier.
I have had many many sinus infections, and been plagued with bronchitis and pneumonia over the many years. I had pneumonia as a baby and it nearly killed me, scarred bronchial tubes.
If your sinuses are plugged, and you have a fever, you likely have a sinus infection...unfortunately, you need an antibiotic and sooner rather than later. Sinus infections can quickly involve the lungs and then you will have bronchitis or pneumonia. If you have sinus infection, the discharge(blow your nose) will be greenish, yellow, possibly bloody as well.
Clear discharge is probably viral.
Neti pots work great but be damn careful. Been a life saver for me. Never put plain water up your nose, it must be a proper saline solution and STERILE! Don't just wash your neti pot, sterilize it with boiling water.
Try to keep it below 102. Feverfew and yarrow work wonders, way better than Tylenol. Yarrow has thujone in it and may give you a nasty headache, but it will break a fever.
If my fever can be kept below 102, I'll wrap up in blankets and let it burn that shit out, that's what your body is doing. It's burning the bug's house down.
I'm not a doctor, simply a mountain man in the vein of granny Clampett. I have taken a hepacritter oath.