WFT scratching bras


Full Member
Mar 23, 2023
New York
I’m having an issue where my WFT trimmer is leaving a scratch ring around the brass just above where it sits inside of the collet. I’ve buffed the inside with my Dremel and can’t see or feel any burrs. Has anyone had this issue? Any idea what may be causing it? Thanks in advance!
I’m having an issue where my WFT trimmer is leaving a scratch ring around the brass just above where it sits inside of the collet. I’ve buffed the inside with my Dremel and can’t see or feel any burrs. Has anyone had this issue? Any idea what may be causing it? Thanks in advance!View attachment 8493309
Three things I think you might need to do:
- Make sure you've got a real good polish on the inside of that trimmer.
- Make sure there's little to no vibration as the trimmer spins
- Have cleaner brass

I had the same kind of issue with my Giraud Tri-Way. For me it was about reducing the spinning vibration by adjusting the shaft around in the drill's chuck until spun almost perfectly in balance. I put a reference mark on the shaft and drill chuck so I will always mount the trimmer in the same spot. I still get a slight burnishing mark, but it's ever so slight and of no concern.
Neck turned brass.JPG