What ammo are you using in your Savage MarkII BTVS


Full Member
Oct 24, 2011
Just curious and trying to figure out what some of the most popular choices are for the Savage Mark II BTVS.


I know all rifles are different just trying to get a feel for what has worked for others.

I shot 9 different brands today and out of all of them the Federal #810 Game Shok ammo seemed to be the best out of what I tried, I have heard a lot of folks talk about the Wolf match ammo so I am curious to see if anyone has experience with this or other ammo.

Re: What ammo are you using in your Savage MarkII BTVS

what i've found to work the best out of mine:

1. wolf mt or extra / sk jadg standard or match (seemingly the "go to ammo" for most rimfires)

2. aguila rifle match

3. federal gold medal match (red box)

4. CCI standard velocity

5. rem subsonics (under 75 yards, then they get crappy)

on the HV side:

1. CCI blazer

2. winchester super x
Re: What ammo are you using in your Savage MarkII BTVS


Aguila Golden Eagle Target (1100 fps)
Federal 711B (1080 fps)
Eley Sport (1085 fps)

High Velocity

CCI Blazer (1235 fps)
Federal 510B (1240 fps)
Re: What ammo are you using in your Savage MarkII BTVS

I shoot wolf target with great success, but honestly for half the price, cci standard velocity is right on its tail. But just a heads up, both of these rounds like it dirty out of my BTVS.
Re: What ammo are you using in your Savage MarkII BTVS

For my BTV the various SSHP loads, the best being Winchester X22LRSUBA 40grn sub sonic hps.

CCI SV is good as well. Wolf was "ok", being consistent but having larger groups than the SSHPs.