Are you all getting these BC numbers from shooting and then correcting on your ballistic calculator or has someone done the work and published it somewhere?
I was discussing this with a friend yesterday. I'm really curious about solid BC numbers out to 350. If that's even realistic with the ammo I'm shooting.
Some run one b.c. profile on their app.
But I've heard others make multiple profiles for a single gun.
A profile for say shooting +200 yards.
And a profile for shots under 200 yards.
It allows them to better edit the software to the results as the solver's software isn't designed for the dogshit performance of .22LR necessarily.
I personally run only one. But I don't really care to shoot much beyond 300. If a match requires be it. But I'm not shooting King of the .28 Mile where they are intentionally stretching their shots out.
I'm shooting SK Standard Plus from a 16.5 standard chamber 457. I have access to a Magneeto Speed and Kestral.
SK states that bullet is rated at .130
I believe its written on here somewhere...
I would start there and your solid MV. You can edit the b.c. then if needed.
I'm also curious about weather effects on BC. Rimfire BC seesms to toe the line of marginal from the get go. Any idea how temp., humidity, or barometric pressure effect BC? At say 250-300 yards? Or is the BC so marginal to begin with that it doesn't matter? Thanks.
Think of it as environmentals effect air density. The density of the air effects the bullet's speed as it fights through it. Speed then effects b.c.
Tad easier way to wrap the mind around it I think than worrying about each one's effect individually.
I do not tend to chase b.c. much as I probably should. I spend more time getting solid zeros after changing ammo lots and getting drop data to 200 and 300...then get MV from it.
My new plan going forward is simply make a new bullet profile every time I buy new lot/brick and simply label it that lot #. I find it easier to track than going back 9 months when I spent two weeks running some oddball round for whatever reason then having 9 profiles stacking up. And you never know when you might fall into a prior lot.