We went to an RV fire and the owner said, be careful there's lots of ammo in there. That along with the 3-100lb propane tanks made quite the show. Lots of popping and flame bursts but nobody got hit by anything.
My uncle randy got his in the mouth by a 270 casing when he was in the Navy. They were all partying after a tour and a local threw a whole bunch of assorted ammo into a bonfire
I spent some time sitting in these type of cement towers in another life...
Well I'll say that it get's awfully cold in the desert and we were fortunate enough to have a small space heater at the top... something that looked like this..
Wasn't anything that large but it was something. I "want" to say it was a kerosene heater but I may be misremembering because I'm all but certain the heaters we had ran on diesel. Reason I say that is because we had a privates not knowing any better that filled the heater with gasoline and it caught fire... whelp up in the tower there was a 240 and lots of 7.62 that cooked off when the heater when up in flames.
Long story short, 'someone' had to retrieve the ammo & 240B from the top of that concrete tower