What I Get for Running My Mouth - XTR Pro Issues *Received back**


World's Okayest Rancher and Hog Hunter
Full Member
  • Jul 22, 2007
    Well, after bragging on my Burris XTR Pro about it being problem free (albeit that I didn't exactly have a ton of rounds through it), it will now not dial back to zero .:LOL:

    I have no clue what is going on, but I took the dials off and the only thing that appeared off was that my little zero stop -4 brass triangle screw had backed out a tad. BUT when I tightened it down (1/2 turn) and tried getting it to work again, I lost another .3mils of downward travel and it sounded like I was trying to grind sand. Previously it was sitting at 3.7 from my last little attempt at 655 with my 6gt. When I tried to dial back to my 100 yard zero it came to a grinding halt at .9. Zero hard use...most abuse it saw was the massive recoil of a 6.5CM (with brake). Mount is a Badger Condition 1 Max that was not ham-fisted by a gorilla.

    Shit happens. Info sent to Burris. We shall see how this experience goes. Regardless, I'd feel dishonest NOT to disclose this situation after flapping my gums so much over the past few months. I will update when I know more.
    In their court now and hopefully they treat you right. One thing I will be interested to see is if they fix yours or send you a new one. I had a weird parallax issue with an xtr3 3-18 and they just sent me a new one. I had it in my hands the same week I sent it in.
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    On a positive note, while you are awaiting its return you will have more time to put together pig killin’ videos….speaking of which, when can we expect the next release?😃

    In all honesty man, it's like 5* right now at night...they'd break a tooth trying to root right now. 😄

    In about a week when it warms to just below freezing at night and rains on top of that, all hell will break loose. I've got to load some .308 as I'm almost out of 6.8 and wanting to switch back over.
    Could be a couple things. It'll be interesting to see what they say. This is a new one.

    In a way, I almost hoped at first that it was just me being stupid. But I had that gritty sand sound just trying to undo the latch on the bottom elevation turret that the others attach to. The image was still perfect through the lenses, so maybe I ought to give it a good shake and check it again before I send it in just to see (now that it is off the rifle).

    I did notice that the screw that holds that latch in - (the "3 in/lb") - appeared stripped when I tried to put a bit in it and loosen it up. Maybe something happened there. Again, it wasn't me grabbing a driver and putting ape-like effort into tightening or loosening anything.

    If it is just me somehow, I'll point out my fault on here.
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    Well, after bragging on my Burris XTR Pro about it being problem free (albeit that I didn't exactly have a ton of rounds through it), it will now not dial back to zero .:LOL:

    I have no clue what is going on, but I took the dials off and the only thing that appeared off was that my little zero stop -4 brass triangle screw had backed out a tad. BUT when I tightened it down (1/2 turn) and tried getting it to work again, I lost another .3mils of downward travel and it sounded like I was trying to grind sand. Previously it was sitting at 3.7 from my last little attempt at 655 with my 6gt. When I tried to dial back to my 100 yard zero it came to a grinding halt at .9. Zero hard use...most abuse it saw was the massive recoil of a 6.5CM (with brake). Mount is a Badger Condition 1 Max that was not ham-fisted by a gorilla.

    Shit happens. Info sent to Burris. We shall see how this experience goes. Regardless, I'd feel dishonest NOT to disclose this situation after flapping my gums so much over the past few months. I will update when I know more.
    Bummer man
    that sounds a lot like some of the turret issues I've heard about wth the T6xi.
    I'm curious how this shakes out
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    I had a similar breakage on my XTR3 - was a broken elevation turret after 100rds of .308. Wouldn’t return to zero, felt like grinding glass. I don’t know if the Pro & 3i have different turret/erector internals, but I would imagine it’s just the zero stop that’s different (I could be wrong on that).

    I made a thread on it - something like “Damaged Optic? w/ Shot Progression”

    My experience w/ Burris CS was very positive
    I've bought Burris scopes since 1992. I always liked the FOV and eye boxes on them. I've had 3 CS experiences that were all positive. However, I will no longer buy a Burris scope. I sent an XTRII LPVO in twice to remove the "dust" and "black spots" which is flaking off anodizing from inside the tube. The third trip to Burris they replaced it with their spotting scope they offered/I requested. Now I see a Burris XTRIII is doing this. I hoped the flaking anodizing problem was an isolated thing with the Philippine XTRIIs. Sadly, it seems to permeate the Burris scope lines.

    If you guys with Burris scopes get a chance, look at them through the objective and you might see what I'm talking about.
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    I had a similar breakage on my XTR3 - was a broken elevation turret after 100rds of .308. Wouldn’t return to zero, felt like grinding glass. I don’t know if the Pro & 3i have different turret/erector internals, but I would imagine it’s just the zero stop that’s different (I could be wrong on that).

    I made a thread on it - something like “Damaged Optic? w/ Shot Progression”

    My experience w/ Burris CS was very positive

    I hate to say it, but that is a bit of a relief to hear (that my issue may not be a standalone). Thank you for your response man.
    I've bought Burris scopes since 1992. I always liked the FOV and eye boxes on them. I've had 3 CS experiences that were all positive. However, I will no longer buy a Burris scope. I sent an XTRII LPVO in twice to remove the "dust" and "black spots" which is flaking off anodizing from inside the tube. The third trip to Burris they replaced it with their spotting scope they offered/I requested. Now I see a Burris XTRIII is doing this. I hoped the flaking anodizing problem was an isolated thing with the Philippine XTRIIs. Sadly, it seems to permeate the Burris scope lines.

    If you guys with Burris scopes get a chance, look at them through the objective and you might see what I'm talking about.

    I've never heard of anyone having dust or flaking in an XTRIII. Not that it can't happen, it can and does happen with every scope in existence. But the recent event was with a few Pros out of Greeley. Not the XTRIII.
    He has a few posted in the NV and Thermal Kill thread…..he disarms you with the folksy western guitar intro and soft monologue narrative…..then 💥💥💥💥💥and lots of dead piggies!

    Wild misses is more like it.

    Bought a Triggercam 2.1 the other day to film some coyote removal with. So far it is Triggercam 2, Ranchtop 0... I'm getting technologically senile in my old age. Great footage of the treeline after I wacked a yote though!
    I've never heard of anyone having dust or flaking in an XTRIII. Not that it can't happen, it can and does happen with every scope in existence. But the recent event was with a few Pros out of Greeley. Not the XTRIII.
    No it does not. I've had and still have plenty that don't flake the anodizing off the inside of the tube.
    No it does not. I've had and still have plenty that don't flake the anodizing off the inside of the tube.

    Yeah, that’s not how it works. Usually anodizing flaking off is from debris and shit left on the surface and not properly cleaned prior to going in the tank. I can’t say I’m surprised by that given Burris’ quality control. I guess dandruff Dan is even getting ahold to the tubes before anodizing and shaking some corn flakes off in them at that point too.

    I suppose any manufacturer could though if they stooped down to the turd tier build quality levels of Burris, but I’ve never heard of this issue with a quality manufacturer. Even chinesium optics can get that part right.
    No it does not. I've had and still have plenty that don't flake the anodizing off the inside of the tube.

    There are bunches of threads on this forum alone where optics have dust and debris on the lens (anadizing/glue). Sometimes it's the grease itself that is designed to capture this dust and debris that gets spattered on the lens. I can grab a handful of links in 10 minutes where posters talk about internal lens debris, all from different manufacturers

    It's so common that every scope maker in existence puts a grease/sticky substance inside the scope tube to capture debris before it gets on the lens.

    No one does anodizing in house. No one. So don't blame the scope makers for it. It does in fact, happen to everyone.
    Every scope maker? You sure?

    No one? You sure?

    Everyone? Well maybe so. 😀

    Yes. Everyone has a product inside their scope tube to capture dirt and debris. Anyone who didn't would constantly have dried glue and particulate debris on their lenses.

    No one as in a few years ago. But during covid, anodizers were like gold. They got dogpiled and you couldnt get product. It would have been a pretty good idea to move it in house. I don't know if anyone did though.😉
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    This Leupold



    Two more Nightforce

    Schmidt & Bender

    Schmidt & Bender internal debris

    I could go on. But you get the point 👉
    Man, I hate squabbles because dudes are looking for that confirmation bias on their purchasing decisions.

    I bought a brand new, $5K Pulsar Thermion that came to me DOA about 3.5 years ago. Pulsar (Sellmark) eventually took care of it, but I had to pay to ship it to them on my dime, and had to wait 7 weeks to get a replacement. CS was extremely friendly...but the whole experience was frustrating.

    So my XTR Pro took a crap with less than 200 total rounds on it. I got a prepaid shipping label in less than 24 hours. We will see how the rest turns out, and I will update accordingly. Right now, I'm happier than I was 3.5 years ago.

    I also have a knack for buying/receiving the one item out of 50 that is garbage. That is why warranty reputation is just as important to me as anything else.

    ^^^ I just bought a Razor Gen 3...so hopefully I don't have to test Vortex's warranty for a while ;).

    I also have a scope in the repair pipeline. I dropped an XTRIII up elk hunting in 2022. The parallax took a hard hit and was wonky. Finally decided to send it in.

    Went through the online portal. Got an RMA email in an hour. Sent it in, and got an email the other day that it was received and in the queue with expected wait times.

    We'll see how it goes.
    Got the email today that Burris received my Pro. Estimated lead time is "5-6 weeks". 😐

    I was somewhat regretting my decision to just jump out and slap a Razor G3 on the rifle as a replacement, but now I'm perfectly content that I did so. Whenever I get the Pro back, it'll just go on something else.
    5-6 weeks isn't what I would call a quick turnaround. Now you are in the dreaded "spare scope" territory that for me just ended up as an exercise in building guns to put scopes on...Which can be fun though.

    Man, I've been there before too. I don't think that I'll be removing the Razor G3 that I just put on the rifle. I do have an XTR III on a rifle that would be a real easy swap. I just hate removing things that are proven performers. I still have a spare Sightron SIII on top of a safe that I use for quick load development for pig guns...options, options.

    Fortunately for my wallet, I have run out of room in the safes for more rifles. Pistols...well that's another story (and why I'll always be "gun poor").
    5-6 weeks isn't what I would call a quick turnaround. Now you are in the dreaded "spare scope" territory that for me just ended up as an exercise in building guns to put scopes on...Which can be fun though.

    I was quoted the same time on mine.

    This happens every year starting in October with hunting season and running till about February. Hunting season and in house production strains their tech capacity. Burris isn't a huge facility.

    Luckily I don't need a spare. Mine was on a hunting rifle and it still functioned. I just busted up the parallax. I can wait till October.. 😆
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    Always room for one more

    The reason why I have a bedside rifle, a backdoor rifle, and a 'critter gitter' rifle is because I once thought that too :D.

    Fortunately, I have kids that are entering adulthood. And as soon as they are responsible enough to have a place where I can get them a safe...More rifles for me!!! Seriously though, I have single shot Winchester 67 .22s and shotguns that are taking up space in my safes that I am looking forward to passing down to them while I can still disclose it on the internet.
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    The reason why I have a bedside rifle, a backdoor rifle, and a 'critter gitter' rifle is because I once thought that too :D.

    Fortunately, I have kids that are entering adulthood. And as soon as they are responsible enough to have a place where I can get them a safe...More rifles for me!!! Seriously though, I have single shot Winchester 67 .22s and shotguns that are taking up space in my safes that I am looking forward to passing down to them while I can still disclose it on the internet.
    Same here. Safe full of items to pass along when I’m worm food
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    Same here. Safe full of items to pass along when I’m worm food

    I got half of dad's stuff while he is still alive. He wanted to see me enjoy it. I like that idea, and will probably do the same to my kids. However, just like my dad, I do intend on keeping the cream of the crop until they pull a sheet over my head.

    ^^ Plus, if one of the little shits pawns one off...I can make a correction to the distribution list before it's too late ;).
    This happens every year starting in October with hunting season and running till about February. Hunting season and in house production strains their tech capacity. Burris isn't a huge facility.
    I suppose alot of it depends on what they have in stock and how they determine if they are just gonna fix yours or send you a new one. When I sent in my 3-18XTR3 (which I think is a highly underrated scope) for a wonky parallax issue they had me a new one within the week.

    When I first started shooting at longer distances I bought a vortex HSLR. That thing had hardware store washers as the zero stop, and was a pretty spartan setup. I think I sent at least 3 or 4 back and Vortex always had a new one on the way while my old one was en route to their place. I have a feeling they knew they had issues with those scopes and must have kept a shitload of them in their warehouse. Conversely, my buddy bought one the same time I did and he has had the same one for probably ten years now on all sorts of different rifles.

    I bet they sell alot of PROS and probably don't keep a bunch of spares on hand. When I watched the video they had on YouTube on what their building process looks like I was surprised at how much is still done by hand. Depending on the day that can probably be good or bad.
    I got half of dad's stuff while he is still alive. He wanted to see me enjoy it. I like that idea, and will probably do the same to my kids. However, just like my dad, I do intend on keeping the cream of the crop until they pull a sheet over my head.

    ^^ Plus, if one of the little shits pawns one off...I can make a correction to the distribution list before it's too late ;).
    We must be twins! My youngest has laid claim to some, but only I truly know what is in there
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    Update on my return. Quick Cliff's Notes on the issue and I'll relay a "nothing but the facts mam' " report.

    Fall of 2022 I took a header when a rock rolled underfoot while elk hunting. My rifle hit the rocks right on the illumination/parallax knob, wrecking the battery cover and sending the battery somewhere out into hyperspace. The threads were a little buggered but still usable. I reached out to Burris on Monday, had a new battery cover in hand by Thursday, and continued hunting through 2022 and 2023.

    I did notice that at times I would get a little POI shift, and my parallax would change. I would adjust it, fire a shot, and have to adjust it again. In over a decade of using Burris Optics for avid 3 Gun, PRS/NRL, and big game hunting, I've never had to return an optic. I've banged them up without incident. So this was a first for me.

    I didn't reach out to anyone I know at Burris. I submitted my request through the online portal, which took about five minutes. About three hours later I received an email acknowledging receipt of my submission, and an RMA for free return shipping. On January 18th I received an email acknowledging receipt of my scope and a brief description of the process. I was informed turn around times were 5 to 6 weeks.

    Yesterday I received an email that my scope had been checked out and was now good to go. Detailed notes were sent regarding the issue. The shifting POI pretty much amounted to user error. I had used Burris Signature rings to max out the elevation. It's a 300 Norma that doesn't even go Subsonic in most shooting conditions until about 2200 yards, so I was squeezing all the travel out of it that I could. Apparently the mechanics of the optic don't function as well under those conditions. And considering it's 92.6 grs of RE33 under a 220gr Berger Hybrid, it's a little recoilly... Here's the notes..

    ""Dear Ja

    Our testing uses calibrated fixtures that remove all variables such as atmospheric conditions, ammunition, rings and bases, firearm and human error.

    Your scope has been thoroughly evaluated and found to be maxed-out in adjustment. The adjustments in the scope try to allow for misalignment of the barrel-to-receiver, receiver machining tolerances, mounting hole tolerances, base tolerances and ring height tolerances to properly align the scope to the center line of the bore. However, in extreme cases, this misalignment can add up to as much as 30 inches of misalignment at 100 yards.

    - If your scope is running out of windage adjustment it represents a misalignment of the holes in the receiver that the scope mounts attach to or an issue with the barrel-to-receiver relationship.

    - If your scope is running out of elevation it represents that the scope does not have enough internal travel to align at the desired current distance. This can be caused by using a canted scope base and trying to sight in at a close distance. Another issue that may be presented is the ring-scope-bore height to where the scope is higher above the bore. Thus, the scope does not have enough internal adjustment to align with bore-sight at close range.

    - If your turrets are turning but the reticle is not adjusting, this is called “free travel” where as the internal guide tube has run out of available adjustment internally, but the turret still has the ability to turn.

    A scope that is maxed internally will not hold zero or POA. The internal components will shift from one area to another as they are no longer secured by the bias spring system.

    We have re-centered your reticle and have recoil tested your scope. Your scope has been found to have the specified internal capable adjustment and is holding zero. Your scope has been set to optical center and verified to function correctly.

    To see specific notes from the repair technician login to your account""

    I logged in and reviewed the technicians notes, which is pretty cool. This morning I received an email stating my scope has shipped with an accompanying tracking number.
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    How much cant are you using that you ran out of travel?
    I'm not sure off the top of my head how much I ended up with. It's a Defiance Deviant action with a fixed 20moa top rail. After zeroing, I would measure how much travel I had remaining in the optic, then use the Signature rings inserts to use some of that up. I'll check my inserts in my rings when I get home.

    With my other rifles I usually stay 2 or 3 mils away from maxed elevation. With this rifle I don't think I did that. I'm pretty sure I added an additional 25moa into the rings on this. I think there is less than a mil to play with here. Technically, this is my elk rifle, but I get out with some buddies a couple times a year with all our big boomers and we air out some 2000 plus yard shots. I can see in hindsight where I tried to get a little too much out of it.
    *** UPDATE ***

    Exactly two weeks after receiving my Pro, I got an email from them saying that they "repaired" my scope and shipped it back to me today.

    I tried to look up specifics as to what they found etc... but the updated info on my case has nothing other than they have shipped it back.

    Not a big deal. I guess I'll have to figure out which rifle I want to yank the scope off of to test the repair out.
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    I will certainly disclose whatever information that I can gather...even if it is "customer exhibits mild autism and possible early onset of dementia".

    As much as I hate undoing scope rings and removing perfectly working optics...I'm going to probably replace the XTR III on one of my FN SPRs with the pro and do a 45 round test of dialing up and down and shooting groups before I feel comfortable. 45 is all the available prepped brass that I have before I have to clean and anneal the batch again for that particular rifle, otherwise it would be 100.