As I'm finally finishing up one build, already planning on a second. My first build:
- Colt 6520 lower
Currently has the stock trigger group, just ordered a Geissele large pin high speed national match trigger group for it a couple days ago.
- Daniel defense buttstock that I had laying around. I didn't care for how wobbly the original Colt waffle stock was.
- Tubb flatwire spring with a Colt h3 buffer
- BCM blem upper
- Colt 14.5" heavy socom barrel pinned and welded with Surefire 3 prong flash hider. Why yes, it does sound like a tuning fork when fired!
- Superlative Arms adjustable gas block
- Knights Armament AAC marked URX 3.1 handguard
- Toolcraft bcg about to be replaced by a Centurion chrome sandcutter bcg, also just ordered a couple days ago.
- Vortex gen2 razor 1-6, that will soon be replaced by an Aimpoint comp 4 or 5 or a T2 and a magnifier of some sort. Still shopping around for that.
My next build will be a service rifle upper for the lower listed above.
- Colt 6520 upper. I'm looking for specific forge markings to match the 6520 lower from the above build, then once this upper is finished, it will be put on the Colt lower above. Almost had an upper this weekend on gunbroker but the guy pulled his add right as I was getting ready to place my bid
So to BigSapper from TX, if you read this, 
There's a couple other correct uppers on there right now, but they're either complete uppers or overpriced, and one cheap stripped upper that is cracked.
- Chrome bcg from either Colt or Young MFG. If anyone knows of another good chrome bcg, then I'm all ears. The only other ones I know of are KAC and Centurion sandcutters.
- Colt A1 or A2 handguard with a float tube. The stock on the lower above will be replaced with an A1 stock as well.
- Haven't decided on the barrel just yet, but will be a 20" barrel from one of these companies: Bartlein, Kreiger, Douglas, Shilen, Lothar Walther, Crux, X Caliber, and maybe one other option I'm forgetting about right now.
- Service Rifle or National Match sights from either Fulton Armory or Creedmoor Sports, plus a 1-4x or 4.5x Service Rifle scope.
Then I'll start building another lower for the BCM upper listed above, but haven't though that far ahead yet of what that will be. Probably something along the lines of a Geissele, Centurion, ADM, or LMT lower. I Already have a Larue MBT-2S trigger waiting for it when the time comes.