Hi all. I just started the process of acquiring a suppressor and I can't decide what kind of host to get. I am leaning toward .22lr for cheap fun. I would prefer something that comes threaded from the factory. What do y'all think?
I bought the Walther P22 a couple of years ago and put a suppressor on the end of it. It is nice and does everything I ask of it (shooting armadillos at close range in a residential section of town).
Then I decided to custom build a Ruger 10-22. I used the Hogue olive stock and an ER Shaw 16.5 inch bull barrel. I still need to buy the recoil buffer for but it is freaky accurate and quiet enough to make grown men giggle. Suppressing a rifle added a whole new dimension to shooting armadillos in a residential section of town as I can now pop them in my neighbors yard.
I love the 10-22 BUT, if I were to do it over again, I would build/ buy an already accurate bolt gun. They are more accurate and have less moving parts when the gun goes pffft.