Week after week we become aware of statements and decisions that make us scratch our head. Make us ask "WTF is that about?". Politicians throwing the same 2A supporters under the bus who got them into office in the first place, Zuckerberg being questioned by senators not under oath but with remarks like "...I am trying to help you here...", the ultra-progressive side calling the current political discourse already a civil war where one side (theirs) will win and the other side just has to go away, and so on.
While it is possible to find some convincing answers to some of these questions, the hard part is to find an explanation how this all fits together. A theory that would explain each individual event in a logically convincing way but without creating contradictions when viewing everything together. A "universal theory of the current madness", explaining our societal currents in a similar fashion as physicists try to speculate about the origin, inner workings, and destination of the universe.
(In both cases we arrive at theories that could turn out to be wrong but at least they are logically consistent in themselves. That is as far as we can go anyway if we try to predict something we have neither experienced nor fully understood yet.)
How all this fit together might become more obvious if we abandon our traditional notion of socialism. The "Old school" socialism had government, unions, and a few government-dependent businesses in one corner of the ring and traditional businesses supporting a free market in the other, both fighting for the support of the sheeple.
History tells us that when sheeple sided with the promises of a free lunch from the socialists, the end result was always economic decline and ultimately collapse. All known attempts of unbridled socialism have failed because those in power kicked those out who make the wheels turn smoothly and profitably. They punished those who produced the food and goods to support the sheeple's lives while promising that a central government could replace these functions. That never worked and the result was ultimately economic decline and collapse. (Same will happen in South Africa in the near future).
The societies that did not go down that dark road and prospered in the meantime were those where the "industrialists" had enough convincing power to prevent the sheeple from choosing the wrong shepherd. This worked because businesses had the financial incentive and the financial means to push against an overbearing government. They successfully prevented governments from brainwashing people to the extent that it would threaten the existence of their businesses. I am not saying that all of these attempts were noble and fair, but this balance between the players has provided us with a tremendous gain in prosperity and quality of life. Yes, we have a huge gap between the rich and the poor but even a welfare recipient in the USA is orders of magnitude better off than the 'average' person in many, many countries. If it were different, we would not have millions of legal and "undocumented" aliens.
What makes today's situation different from the old school socialists is that we now have so called tech companies that ARE in the business of brainwashing and controlling the behavior of billions of citizens the same way the government does. Unfortunately, these entities have achieved valuations far exceeding the blue chip players of traditional businesses. Why would these "new economy" businesses get in a fight with a progressive government that tries to expand its power like a cancer if they subscribe to the exactly the same philosophy and business model? They would not and they do not as we witness daily.
The so-called "Russian Interference" is an issue because it interfered with the long standing collusion between MSM, social media, and the left-leaning political players in this country. Pretending that the current investigations and hearings are about "privacy rights", "fairness", and "the future of democracy" is as disingenuous as trying to pretend that a gang war is for the benefit of the community.
Since the revelations of Edward Snowden there should be no doubt in anyone's mind about where our government stands with regards to privacy rights. It is also blatantly obvious that companies like facebook and Google have approximately the same degree of respect -or lack thereof- for our data and rights.
This political show is a cloak for a turf war about how to control the market (i.e the people) completely. It is not a fight for individual freedom or justice. The government wants to be certain that the "new media" companies are supporting their narrative without interference, which these companies gladly do since it aligns with their beliefs and provides the content they need to inundate us with more ads. No surprise that everyone is up in arms about some Russian entities who recently threw a wrench in this well-oiled Orwellian gearbox. But rest assured they are not allowing the same to happen during the next elections.
We are past the times where we only have to worry about foreign governments or special interest groups trying to effect regime changes in another country against the opposition of the native political and market forces. For the first time in history the socialist are supported by massive "industrial" wealth in their own country here in the USA. The narrative of the Russian trying to destroy our democracy from the outside is trying to distract us from the fact that the enemy is now operating within our gates.
If we abandon the assumption that independent, successful businesses will automatically resist the needless expansion and encroachment of government in our country, then seemingly random and seemingly contradictory statements and decisions suddenly fit together. With massive corporate wealth backing the government's desire to destroy a free, traditional market systems we have entered a new paradigm.
We used to worry about the Military Industrial Complex threatening the future of this nation. But even in this collusion game there was still the desire of the industrialists to maintain a free market outside of the military and space domain. A company like Boeing colluded with competitors and government official for lucrative defense projects but at the same time competed in a relatively free global commercial market. There was an incentive to keep the government at bay outside of it being a cash cow.
Companies like Google and facebook do not have that constraint or incentive. Their message and business model is the same as a any socialist government: "Stop thinking, trust us, and put your life in our hands". Today's threat to the freedom and liberty of the people is what I call the "Media Intelligence Complex". Government and large parts of the "new economy" colluding to not only own our money but also our decisions and our thoughts.
Capitalism dug its own grave by pushing to the absurd the valuation of companies that do not produce anything other than disdain for the same system that made them successful in the first place.
The paper money these "new economy" companies accumulated enabled them to gain more control over the populace and push their progressive agenda. An agenda were individual success and wealth earned the old fashioned way is called an unjust privilege. Where industries that provide the essentials of life - which is NOT hundreds of tweets a day- are called dirty or environmental criminals. Where anybody who -just for themselves - attempts to keep some resemblance of traditional values intact is called a racists, misogynists, etc. Where openly fantasizing about the end of the ethnic group that established this country and grew it to its current might is for some reason supposedly not racists but "progressive".
The grave for America as it was intended by its founders has been dug. What's missing is the bullet in the neck and the corps falling in the pit.
The tide has swung so far in favor of the global socialists operating among us, that it has become critical to expediently divert the waters that make their socialist mills turn. Today's version of "Atlas Shrugged" would be if every traditional company producing tangible goods (especially those that depend on oil or mining) would pull the facebook and google plug TODAY, realizing that they are feeding their enemies.
However, instead of providing meaningful information and customer engagement on their own websites, companies add links to facebook, twitter, and whatever other time sink and distraction is popular these days - just to be "cool". Search features on sites of multi-billion companies are unable to find products I know they manufacture and sell but a simple google search hits paydirt. This is analogous to your competitors knowing more about your products and business than your own sales/support people.
Even those whose names has been already written on the wall of elimination are complicit in their own demise. Ask yourself why in the world gun manufacturers, gun stores, gun clubs, or gun owners should support with their facebook or youtube pages the same entities that vie for the end of their existence. This insanity goes so far that even companies that have their own internet domain and website rather post their events and specials on fb.
It's time to fix that. Let's stop accelerating the trend that turns the diversity of the internet into a monopoly of bias, censorship, and manipulation. The end of democracy is not some Russians doing what they always did -trying to increase their influence- but the way we are complicit in the subversion of a global information platform that could have helped democratic processes by providing sufficiently diverse facts and viewpoints. Some old-timers may remember an internet that was a global treasure trove of useful information rather than an insult to our intelligence and senses. Compared to some of today's internet "content" the printed rags at the grocery checkout lane reporting aliens begin to look sane.
If we keep feeding those who openly desire to dumb all of us down and starve some of us out, we should not be surprised about our demise. Know your enemies, their intentions, and act accordingly. There is more at stake than how many clicks or likes you get next quarter.
While it is possible to find some convincing answers to some of these questions, the hard part is to find an explanation how this all fits together. A theory that would explain each individual event in a logically convincing way but without creating contradictions when viewing everything together. A "universal theory of the current madness", explaining our societal currents in a similar fashion as physicists try to speculate about the origin, inner workings, and destination of the universe.
(In both cases we arrive at theories that could turn out to be wrong but at least they are logically consistent in themselves. That is as far as we can go anyway if we try to predict something we have neither experienced nor fully understood yet.)
How all this fit together might become more obvious if we abandon our traditional notion of socialism. The "Old school" socialism had government, unions, and a few government-dependent businesses in one corner of the ring and traditional businesses supporting a free market in the other, both fighting for the support of the sheeple.
History tells us that when sheeple sided with the promises of a free lunch from the socialists, the end result was always economic decline and ultimately collapse. All known attempts of unbridled socialism have failed because those in power kicked those out who make the wheels turn smoothly and profitably. They punished those who produced the food and goods to support the sheeple's lives while promising that a central government could replace these functions. That never worked and the result was ultimately economic decline and collapse. (Same will happen in South Africa in the near future).
The societies that did not go down that dark road and prospered in the meantime were those where the "industrialists" had enough convincing power to prevent the sheeple from choosing the wrong shepherd. This worked because businesses had the financial incentive and the financial means to push against an overbearing government. They successfully prevented governments from brainwashing people to the extent that it would threaten the existence of their businesses. I am not saying that all of these attempts were noble and fair, but this balance between the players has provided us with a tremendous gain in prosperity and quality of life. Yes, we have a huge gap between the rich and the poor but even a welfare recipient in the USA is orders of magnitude better off than the 'average' person in many, many countries. If it were different, we would not have millions of legal and "undocumented" aliens.
What makes today's situation different from the old school socialists is that we now have so called tech companies that ARE in the business of brainwashing and controlling the behavior of billions of citizens the same way the government does. Unfortunately, these entities have achieved valuations far exceeding the blue chip players of traditional businesses. Why would these "new economy" businesses get in a fight with a progressive government that tries to expand its power like a cancer if they subscribe to the exactly the same philosophy and business model? They would not and they do not as we witness daily.
The so-called "Russian Interference" is an issue because it interfered with the long standing collusion between MSM, social media, and the left-leaning political players in this country. Pretending that the current investigations and hearings are about "privacy rights", "fairness", and "the future of democracy" is as disingenuous as trying to pretend that a gang war is for the benefit of the community.
Since the revelations of Edward Snowden there should be no doubt in anyone's mind about where our government stands with regards to privacy rights. It is also blatantly obvious that companies like facebook and Google have approximately the same degree of respect -or lack thereof- for our data and rights.
This political show is a cloak for a turf war about how to control the market (i.e the people) completely. It is not a fight for individual freedom or justice. The government wants to be certain that the "new media" companies are supporting their narrative without interference, which these companies gladly do since it aligns with their beliefs and provides the content they need to inundate us with more ads. No surprise that everyone is up in arms about some Russian entities who recently threw a wrench in this well-oiled Orwellian gearbox. But rest assured they are not allowing the same to happen during the next elections.
We are past the times where we only have to worry about foreign governments or special interest groups trying to effect regime changes in another country against the opposition of the native political and market forces. For the first time in history the socialist are supported by massive "industrial" wealth in their own country here in the USA. The narrative of the Russian trying to destroy our democracy from the outside is trying to distract us from the fact that the enemy is now operating within our gates.
If we abandon the assumption that independent, successful businesses will automatically resist the needless expansion and encroachment of government in our country, then seemingly random and seemingly contradictory statements and decisions suddenly fit together. With massive corporate wealth backing the government's desire to destroy a free, traditional market systems we have entered a new paradigm.
We used to worry about the Military Industrial Complex threatening the future of this nation. But even in this collusion game there was still the desire of the industrialists to maintain a free market outside of the military and space domain. A company like Boeing colluded with competitors and government official for lucrative defense projects but at the same time competed in a relatively free global commercial market. There was an incentive to keep the government at bay outside of it being a cash cow.
Companies like Google and facebook do not have that constraint or incentive. Their message and business model is the same as a any socialist government: "Stop thinking, trust us, and put your life in our hands". Today's threat to the freedom and liberty of the people is what I call the "Media Intelligence Complex". Government and large parts of the "new economy" colluding to not only own our money but also our decisions and our thoughts.
Capitalism dug its own grave by pushing to the absurd the valuation of companies that do not produce anything other than disdain for the same system that made them successful in the first place.
The paper money these "new economy" companies accumulated enabled them to gain more control over the populace and push their progressive agenda. An agenda were individual success and wealth earned the old fashioned way is called an unjust privilege. Where industries that provide the essentials of life - which is NOT hundreds of tweets a day- are called dirty or environmental criminals. Where anybody who -just for themselves - attempts to keep some resemblance of traditional values intact is called a racists, misogynists, etc. Where openly fantasizing about the end of the ethnic group that established this country and grew it to its current might is for some reason supposedly not racists but "progressive".
The grave for America as it was intended by its founders has been dug. What's missing is the bullet in the neck and the corps falling in the pit.
The tide has swung so far in favor of the global socialists operating among us, that it has become critical to expediently divert the waters that make their socialist mills turn. Today's version of "Atlas Shrugged" would be if every traditional company producing tangible goods (especially those that depend on oil or mining) would pull the facebook and google plug TODAY, realizing that they are feeding their enemies.
However, instead of providing meaningful information and customer engagement on their own websites, companies add links to facebook, twitter, and whatever other time sink and distraction is popular these days - just to be "cool". Search features on sites of multi-billion companies are unable to find products I know they manufacture and sell but a simple google search hits paydirt. This is analogous to your competitors knowing more about your products and business than your own sales/support people.
Even those whose names has been already written on the wall of elimination are complicit in their own demise. Ask yourself why in the world gun manufacturers, gun stores, gun clubs, or gun owners should support with their facebook or youtube pages the same entities that vie for the end of their existence. This insanity goes so far that even companies that have their own internet domain and website rather post their events and specials on fb.
It's time to fix that. Let's stop accelerating the trend that turns the diversity of the internet into a monopoly of bias, censorship, and manipulation. The end of democracy is not some Russians doing what they always did -trying to increase their influence- but the way we are complicit in the subversion of a global information platform that could have helped democratic processes by providing sufficiently diverse facts and viewpoints. Some old-timers may remember an internet that was a global treasure trove of useful information rather than an insult to our intelligence and senses. Compared to some of today's internet "content" the printed rags at the grocery checkout lane reporting aliens begin to look sane.
If we keep feeding those who openly desire to dumb all of us down and starve some of us out, we should not be surprised about our demise. Know your enemies, their intentions, and act accordingly. There is more at stake than how many clicks or likes you get next quarter.
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