Here is the load-out for my light hunting setup. I try to keep supplies to the min, but I will hump out 3-5 miles on a day hunt. If my son is with me, we will venture out further with larger packs.
Camelbak MilTac Mule
Bill Moran Knife (thanks again OneDayer)
US Navy BCG's
First aid kit
silicon gloves
extra Tikka Mags (full when I hunt)
xtra contact lenses and solution
mole skin
hand sanitizer and TP (not shown)
xtra batts
small screwdriver with bits
lens cloth
para cord
space blanket
foldable Milwaukee Sawzall
The pack has plenty of pockets and I can still fit a whole lunch in the separate top pocket (sammich , juice and apple)
As for BoB, I have an alice pack full of crap, typical of the stuff most folks use, enough for three days in a car.