where can i find 22lr in bulk in texas?

I haven't seen it on the shelf anywhere but I've been watching ammoseek.com and been stocking up when its cheap. Best I've scored was Federal for $.06/ rd and even subsonics a few weeks back for $.09/rd. As suggested above, Nanchez had the $.06/rd deal last week- even after shipping came to just under $.09/rd.
Are you heading up to the DFW metromess any time soon? If you are, hit me up before you get here. If I am in town I will meet you someplace and turn you on to a brick. Nothing worse than kids not being able to shoot.
Just keep an eye on Natchez. They will have more. There is still plenty on Gunbroker but I don't recommend buying from an auction site right now. If you want ammo you need to keep your CC in hand and be ready to pull the trigger immediately when you find some in stock. It takes a little work but there is ammo out there for those who are willing to look.
You have to check the usual suspects on a regular basis. Cabela's has had .22 at least once a week over the past few. Natchez and Midway get some in occasionally. Gun Bot and Ammo Seek also help.

You would have to "troll" alot of forums and look at thousands of messages for the chance to even get an address so you can hope to use it to rip someone off. I doubt any crook is going to attempt to burglarize the home of someone who is obviously a gun nut.*It's much easier to kick in the front door of a random house. I think donniedee is okay. Just a feeling. But being a grown man, or woman, I'm sure he appreciates you telling him what he should or shouldn't do! Hey...he can use that gifted .22 ammo to drill a hole, or two or three, into the person that uses his address to rip him off!

There isn't a single "grown man, or woman" on the planet who is perfect and knowledgable about everything. Lessons are always available to learn.

For instance, there are simple computer programs that do the trolling for the addresses, phone numbers, and emails. That information is collected and sold to others who would do with it as their moral compass allows. Very quick. Very efficient. Very simple. An effective solution: if you don't want to end up on those lists, don't post your info publicly. Use a "PM" if that info is necessary to exchange.

Problemchild was just trying to help.

Icallem, good on ya for helping out the OP. Very nice of you...

donniedee, I sent you a PM.
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I just love conspiracy theories! Maybe if problemchild was truly "trying to help", he could tell us where to find .22 ammo in Texas. Or what companies website shows it in stock. Now that's helping!

I believe the thread is about ammo and not life lessons. Maybe the OP posted a company or work address? Maybe it's a box address? But I guess Hal would troll that up and suck it into the hard drive too huh? Wow another life lesson.

You know, good thing for the OP that this forum is the only place in the world wide inter web of supercomputer information encryptic databases that his name and address appears! I think Hal would rather collect credit card numbers, social security numbers, bank account numbers, and other useful financial information? Just a hunch?

How many names and addresses do you think I can pull off the internet using only a search engine? Thousands? At least!

The point to my original post was there was no harm in him putting up his address. And if someone thought that there was, they should have kept their stupid comments to themselves. That's the point!

Whatever. Dumb.