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Where is the 8th Air Force when you Need them?


Command Sgt. Major
Full Member
We ought to simply pull every American out of EU.... and let them go back to 1945.

As the insanity in Hamburg unfolds (and the New York Mayor flew there to joint the protestors in solidarity).... here is what we should remind them Hamburg looked like before we so nicely rebuilt them.

Want to learn a lesson about Antifa?

Here's how the 'Real' Facism ends:




Let it burn... if Angela wants to tolerate this stuff.... let her legacy be this....


Because we sure ain't paying the bills this time...


^^^ Hamburg, 1947...


It'd be a great moment for a brilliant bank caper in the middle of all the hysteria. We could call it ... The Hamburger Job!
According to the commies on NPR this morning, they're protesting capitalism, global warming and the mistreatment of minorities & degenerates.
Nor did one of my favorite people from history.... Curtis E. LeMay....

Want to talk about 'fake news'... well the lefties covered him with it in the '60's and '70s.

But we wouldn't have won WW2 or the Cold War... or a lot of things... without him.

He was a first class hard-ass. But he cared about his crews... and was the only WW2 commander to measure his effectiveness in terms of crews lost per unit of target area destroyed. He was tough, hard, ruthless, smart, creative and driven. He made the 8th Air Force what it was. Then he made the B-sans work over Japan. Then he made SAC work.

That man was a leader by every measure. And, no, he didn't play around either! His concept was that the faster the war ends, the more lives are saved. Make war ugly enough... and it ends faster. That saves lives. 100,000 dead in Tokyo tonite... save 500,000 in the rest of Japan in 1946. He was 100 percent right.


A friend of mine, now deceased, worked under him in the post-war SAC days. He said that he made routine visits around all the SAC bases on a regular basis. His MO was to fly in (probably unannounced) and find somebody to fire. He said it came to be well-known that if Gen. LeMay showed up at the base, somebody was going to get fired. It had the effect of keeping everyone on their toes.
A friend of mine, now deceased, worked under him in the post-war SAC days. He said that he made routine visits around all the SAC bases on a regular basis. His MO was to fly in (probably unannounced) and find somebody to fire. He said it came to be well-known that if Gen. LeMay showed up at the base, somebody was going to get fired. It had the effect of keeping everyone on their toes.

There are lots of LeMay stories like that...

When he first took over SAC, he showed up at a base and found an airman guarding nuclear weapons "armed with a ham sandwich." Base commander was relieved instantly. Airman was given a weapon. Not punished. LeMay never went after the 'little guys.' Regarded it as a failure of command.

One of the things that LeMay did was create, across SAC, spot promotions. The work of an outstanding crewmember could result in an on-the-spot promotion... not just for him, but for every member of the crew. That was a big deal. By the same token, a screw up could merit an on-the-spot demotion.... of every member of a crew. That motivated the hell out of crews to perform!

He also would go to the bases and meet the wives of his aircrews. Explain to them what it took for their husbands to get promoted and move up in rank. Show up on time. Show up rested. Don't show up worried about domestic stuff. Stay sober. He made sure the wives knew that THEY could help their husbands get promoted... by helping them focus on their SAC jobs. It worked. Sexist as hell by today's standards... but LeMay had a Cold War to win. And if the wives could make sure their husbands were better officers and aircrews... damn he made sure they did it.

Want to know why we have AR-15's? LeMay took one look at the AR-platform at a BBQ in Virginia while he was Chief of Staff. Shot watermelons with one, courtesy of a Colt rep. Placed an order for 80,000 of them on the spot. Pentagon shut that down... until McNamara came along and realized that LeMay was right. McNamara realized that the 'armory system' was dragging its feet on innovation. Controversial, yes. But in the end LeMay and McNamara got us the AR.

Those two butted heads a lot when McNamara was SecDef.... but McNamara was a captain working for LeMay in WW2 ETO and, later, the Pacific. McNamara revered LeMay. Even though they had disagreements over policy and, mainly, procurement later on, McNamara realized that LeMay was his equal in terms of brain-power. And that was saying a lot.

Again, LeMay's "Bombs Away LeMay" and "Bomb them back to the Stone Age" monikers were both media fabrications of an Anti-LeMay Vietnam press. Fake news.... turned up to 11. He was NONE of what the press portrayed him as in latter years.


I dont even believe that is sexist by todays standards. The man is the warrior, his job is to be ready for war and do it well. An awesome wife is a queen and will make sure she is doing what is needed to make sure he can be succesful.

I know more than a couple Mil guys stories who their wife wasnt, didnt know crap about what their husband did or anything.
I think Bogeybrown once said, they dont know his CO, unit, or job, just when the paycheck gets deposited and how much it is.

An old friend on mine was in the Army in 62/63ish and had the chance to go as a medic with the airborne guys and make an extra $50 (iirc) a month. Called home to CO from GA to his wife after his first jump and told her about his promotion. She was upset until he told her he did it for the $ and since he was the breadwinner he was going to take advantage of any extra he could get. They are the nicest couple and still married as I type this!

Some of those "old fashioned" ways would go a long ways to straightening up so much in our world today...... thanks again for the history lessons!
Nor did one of my favorite people from history.... Curtis E. LeMay....

But we wouldn't have won WW2 or the Cold War... or a lot of things... without him.

That man was a leader by every measure. And, no, he didn't play around either! His concept was that the faster the war ends, the more lives are saved. Make war ugly enough... and it ends faster. That saves lives. 100,000 dead in Tokyo tonite... save 500,000 in the rest of Japan in 1946. He was 100 percent right.


My dad was at FE Warren (Wyoming) 59-63 as a Air Police, Security Police these days. He met Gen LeMay once. He said the man had a presence and you knew he meant business before even saying a word. Basically, as a young airman he was scared shitless.