You can buy 338 Edge dies from any of the die makers. They are usually labeled 338/300 RUM. I have some made by Redding. I believe this is what Shawn sells. Sizing up 300 RUM brass is easy and straight forward. I usually trim all the cases first, just enough so that the mouth is even all the way around. You can check this by looking at the cut you made. If it is all shiny all the way around the mouth, then you know its all even. If there are any non-shiny areas, trim a little more off. (you don't need to remove much material). By doing this you get a more consistent grip around the bullet. Then if you want, you can just run the brass right through the die and be done with it, or the way Shawn does it and I do it, is to run the brass up over the expander ball, but not up into the top of the sizing die. Then pull the brass out. Do all of your cases this way. Then take the expander ball out and run all the cases through the sizing die, all the way through to the top. (you don't need to use the expander ball anymore on these cases for subsequent loadings). Then clean the lube off the cases and proceed to load with your favorite recipe. I use CCI 250 primers, Berger 300 gr OTM bullets, and H1000 powder.