I’m looking for suggestions on where to hunt cow elk this October, I should be off the entire month. I would go for bull, but I don’t have a place to hang the head so I’m just after the meat and hide. I hunted elk in Idaho unit 29 three times between 1998-2003 and was successful each time; these were solo back pack rifle hunts. Despite being a Kentucky resident since 2005, I have an Idaho lifetime hunting license I bought when I lived there years ago, but I’m not limiting my search to just Idaho. I could put in for a controlled hunt tag for cow in unit 29, but they only gave out 35 of them in 2024, there used to be over 100, and that hunt is in November and my vacation is in October, so it’s a no go. There are some October cow hunts in other areas, like Hells Canyon, but it’s farther to drive and would require a guide as it’s almost all private land.
I’m willing to hire a guide if need be. Some of the cow hunts on bookyourhunt.com and worldwidetrophyadventurs.com are on private land which is very temping. Also, Jokerswildoutdoors.com has a cow hunt on both private a public land.
Have any of you ever booked a hunt using the above websites? If so, would you do it again?
I could also try for a bull tag in unit 29 as they gave out 180 of them last year. Heck, three of my dear heads are hanging in Monnik Beer Company in Louisville, maybe they could hang a bull if I got one
I’m open to any and all suggestions. I’m still in decent enough shape to backpack hunt.
I’m willing to hire a guide if need be. Some of the cow hunts on bookyourhunt.com and worldwidetrophyadventurs.com are on private land which is very temping. Also, Jokerswildoutdoors.com has a cow hunt on both private a public land.
Have any of you ever booked a hunt using the above websites? If so, would you do it again?
I could also try for a bull tag in unit 29 as they gave out 180 of them last year. Heck, three of my dear heads are hanging in Monnik Beer Company in Louisville, maybe they could hang a bull if I got one

I’m open to any and all suggestions. I’m still in decent enough shape to backpack hunt.