Where is a good source to find all the information i need on some .223 factory ammo to put the required parameters into my Kestrel? I cant seem to bring up any data on the 50gr varmint tipped bullet that american eagle makes. My AR shoots lights out with it at 100 and i was thinking about taking it out to some distances. However, i am having issues finding the required information to put into my 4500 AB Kestrel. I am looking into buy about 5 different types of factory loads within the next few weeks, and will probably need to find data on these as well. Having issues finding: BC for specific factory loads, and bullet length (without physically pulling it and Ive read none of the tips are going to be uniform). I am also wondering if American Eagle does not manufacture the bullet used in that load, hence why i might be looking in the wrong spot anyways? Thanks in advance, any help is greatly appreciated.