Where's the hundred you owe me? Oh is that your baby? Blam blam now where's my money bitch!!

At the end of the clip they say the hospital is making arrangements to release the baby back to the family………what?? The family that reportedly left the baby alone on the street after the shooting because they were afraid of the police because of outstanding warrants?? Not to mention the argument stemmed from a drug debt. And people wonder why these things keep happening and want to take away my gun rights thinking that will stop these types of shootings. Nuts.
Shoot a baby? That calls for an immediate application of the Eddie Gallagher Protocol. As in, telling the bystanders to hold the shooter's arms behind their back while a Kabar or similar blade is rammed into their chest and stomach 4-6 times in each place and then they are left to bleed out right there till the coroner's van arrives.

As for the shithead parents who abandoned their child out of selfishness: They don't deserve to be parents. Prayers that the baby recovers quickly and do not have to deal with shitty surroundings again.