Re: Which powder dispenser and scale setup??
I have been through 4 different setups. From best (and most expensive) to worst (and least expensive).
1) Prometheus (thrown then trickle up)
2) Sartorius GD-503 + Lee Perfect Powder Measure + Omega Trickler (throw and then trickle up to weight)
3) Acculab VIC-123 (same as Sartorius AY-123) + Lee Perfect Powder Measure + RCBS manual trickler (throw and then trickle up to weight)
4) RCBS Chargemaster (100% trickle up)
The Prometheus is the fastest. A reprogrammed Chargemaster is a little bit slower than I am throwing and trickling up. I am also more accurate throwing and trickling up.
The Sartorius GD-503 is faster than the AY-123 because it is not as stable and I have to wait for it to settle out, I have to continually rezero, and I have to reweigh a bunch.
The Omega is a way to go for the trickler. I wish that Brand Cole sold the Prometheus trickler as a stand alone. It is a work of art.
Cost-wise, you are looking at $310 for the AY-123, $1325 for the GD-503, $70 for the Omega Trickler, and $30 for the Lee Perfect Powder measure.
So the costs of my setups are:
1) $3,000
2) $1,425
3) $355
4) $290
Accuracy is:
1) +/- .005 gr
2) +/- .005 gr
3) +/- .025 gr
4) +/- .088 gr
Time to throw a charge:
1) 18 seconds
2) 40 seconds
3) 70 seconds
4) 60 seconds
The first 3 setups are "good enough" for long range. The Chargemaster, is probably "good enough," but you lose a bit. In terms of concentration required, the Prometheus and Chargemaster requires much less intense concentration. To achieve those times with my thrower, scale, and trickler, I have to really focus.
Hopefully, this gives a good overview. I need to get a GD-503 back so I can truly look at the weights of Prometheus throws. I will probably create a thread for the comparison.