Which Rear Bag Would You Recommend (PRS)?


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Mar 31, 2018
My current homemade bean bag isn’t the best. I want a new rear bag that:

a) won’t shift around during shots (with my current bag I have to readjust the bag between each shot)

b) allows squeezing for minute adjustments

I don’t know if I should go for a lightweight bag or a heavier bag - to me, heavier sounds more stable, and weight is not a concern I have. Some of the bags I’m looking at are barricade bags, but I’ve heard some say they can make great rear bags too. The rear bags I’m looking at are below (in no particular order):

(1) TAB Gear (small or large)

(2) Str8Laced

(3) Traust Rear Bag

(4) SAP Run n’ Gun

(5) SAP Solo Sack

(6) Armageddon Game Changer

(7) Warhorse Saracen

(8) Warhorse Comanche

(9) WieBad Mini Tac Pad

Is there really any way to know what would be best for my situation, or do you really just have to buy it and try it? The only bag I’ve had experience with is the game changer when one of my squadmates let me borrow it for a barricade stage. Thanks!
I'd vote for the Game changer as an all around bag.... works as a barricade bag and can be utilized as a rear bag as well. Other bag I'd add... Armageddon Python. This is similar to the Str8Laced. But I like Armageddon better.

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Prolly the best thing you can do is get with some guys that have a variety of bags and try them, if possible. There's a lot of "personal Pref" with these bags. I prolly have 8 or so different bags, some for different rifles in different sizes.

I prefer the TAB gear bags overall for a dedicated rear bag, I have both sizes. Also, the Gamchanger and Weibad pump pillow style can in a be used in a pinch as rear bags and work great. I had shoulder surgery on my strong side this year and ended up using the pump pillow as my primary rear bag for a few months. The larger size gave me lots of support, pretty comfortably actually.

The 6.5 Guys have done some good reviews on bags.

Edit: looks like they have an update to this video as well.
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I have a Str8 laced and some type of wiebad drum shaped bag. I really like the Str8 laced but wish it had heavier Fill. I find the wiebad more stable but the Str8 laced is easier for my hand to manipulate. If I could get a Str8 laced with heavy Fill it would be about perfect for me.
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Personally I like to reduce the amount of bags that I am carrying and stick to only what I need. I started off shooting with just a "beer can" type rear bag and my bipod, only to very quickly realise that I needed a decent barricade bag. After shooting multiple club matches and a handful of national matches, the bag I run are the Weibad Fortune Cookie, Wiebad Pump Pillow and a JSA Small Bag (the "beer can" bag I've had forever).

The reasoning behind these bags is simple:
- Fortune cookie: really the only bag you need (works the same as the game changer or Warhorse tactical udder), for barricades, rocks, fence posts, prone, etc. Hecy enough to be stable but no too heavy to carry around all day.
- Pump pillow: Super light fill and just there to fill up space in really awkward positions. Doesn't hurt to have around, but not a necessity.
- JSA Small Bag: I've had this bad forever and have become very used to shooting prone with it. If there is a long range stage, I will usually have either this bag or the fortune cookie (or both) with me.

Check out Buck's video on gear selection too!

The Warhorse Saracen, Commanche nor the Bison Tactical bag "Tactical Udder" are really designed as a rear bag and in my opinion are a bit large for that duty. They can work in a pinch, but I prefer a smaller rear bag, so I can run my bipod lower. Some guys need to run the bipod higher and a larger rear bag works well like the Traust Rear bag. This can be a factor of your anatomy (how high the bipod is), however generally if your only looking for a rear bag I would steer you to several options even though I am a big fan and helped design the Tactical Udder / Saracen.

The Tactical Udder from Bison Tactical and the Saracen and Comanche are really designed as a front bag for field use.
i bought. a couple of rear bags but generally use an athletic sock with a section of pantyhose inside and that filled with airsoft bb's with the hose tied off and then the sock tied off. easy to squeeze to get the perfect elevation, and it is very pliable and soft and supportive. if i need something a little taller, i just put a mag or ammo box underneath it.
Thanks for all the responses guys! I appreciate hearing everyone’s opinions.

The Warhorse Saracen, Commanche nor the Bison Tactical bag "Tactical Udder" are really designed as a rear bag and in my opinion are a bit large for that duty. They can work in a pinch, but I prefer a smaller rear bag, so I can run my bipod lower. Some guys need to run the bipod higher and a larger rear bag works well like the Traust Rear bag. This can be a factor of your anatomy (how high the bipod is), however generally if your only looking for a rear bag I would steer you to several options even though I am a big fan and helped design the Tactical Udder / Saracen.

The Tactical Udder from Bison Tactical and the Saracen and Comanche are really designed as a front bag for field use.

Thanks for the honesty! I prefer my bipod lower, too. What several options would you steer me to?
BTW, the cow print Tactical Udder is hilarious.
I just got the Traust rear bag. I like the size, weight and the sturdy construction. Actually ordered from Bison, and the delivery was very fast. Hard to get too excited about a bag, but it fit my needs well.
I’ve tried a bunch of bags, to include just about every Ganechanger variant, and I use my AG waxed canvas gamechanger for almost everything these days. After a little use, it gets quite a bit more supple than the cordura bags and I can use it for anything.
The ultralight fill bags are really great for a lot of different things, but I have never really liked them as a dedicated rear bag. Seems like a heavier fill just works way better for me if I’m on the bench or prone. Good to have one of each.
The ultralight fill bags are really great for a lot of different things, but I have never really liked them as a dedicated rear bag. Seems like a heavier fill just works way better for me if I’m on the bench or prone. Good to have one of each.
That’s a concern I have as well, I just don’t have much firsthand experience.
I designed the four legged bags to do it all. I run my bipods low as well, when the opportunity presents itself. The Saracen and Comanche work perfectly. If it’s one bag match my only choice is one of those two, if it’s a bring whatever you want I’m still probably only going to bring one of them and nothing else. There’s only been two matches so far this year that I’ve brought along another bag, and that was a a Canister bag. I think I may have used it couple times for position building, but really I just carried it around and it didn’t leave my pack.

The idea behind the Saracen and Comanche is to span and stabilize on virtually anything and to lighten your load, by replacing all the other bags you carry. I’ve been running the Comanche all year and it’s fantastic. I’ve had no issue with it being a rearbag or a forward bag and I love the fact it’s half the weight of the Saracen, it’s more maneuverable, and I’m prototyping an arca Mount with HRD Gear for it.

Both of these bags are truly versatile tools.
I have most of the bags mentioned in this thread, and greatly prefer the commanche as a rear bag. Imo, it is too heavy to carry for real field use, but if you dont need to travel far, it is a great option that covers everything I need except a positional pillow. I use it at work as well as in my personal time, and it just does a great job with every gun and bipod combo I have used. Super steady.
IMO the game changer is the best all around bag there is, I use mine to shoot off of almost everything as well as a rear bag when prone.

Add a medium and a large pillow and it’s all you should ever need. I personally like the Wiebad stuff for pillows. The OG Todd Tac Pad and Pump Pillow are perfect.
That’s a concern I have as well, I just don’t have much firsthand experience.

My favorite dedicated rear bag is the Triad wedge bag. The heavy-ish fill is just about perfect for me. Problem is it's often not tall enough, depending on the situation. I've been searching ever since for something larger that performs the same. I have the large Traust rear bag. Size wise, it's perfect for just about any situation. But don't like how the filling shifts for elevation adjustment when squeezed. I also have a mini-fortune cookie, and have found that it works in a variety of heights, and the heavier fill is better for me. So I'll definitely echo what others have said above.... a fortune cookie/game changer/udder type bag does a lot of things well. That would be my first purchase if I were you.

An oversized, ultra light bag like a pump pillow would be the second purchase for filling in all the holes for positional shooting. I don't compete, but have found that type very useful for field hunting scenarios.
Make your own with a couple socks, poly pellets and some 550 cord. Cheap and easy and you can fill it to what you need and not over filled like a lot of commercial bags.

I have a Str8laced and a pump. I was holding out for the RRS wiedbad but learning you can't change the orientation on the fly thinking about picking up a OG in canvas.

You using a canvas or standard?

I didn’t even know that made the Tac Pad in different materials. Just feels like regular cordura to me, I’ve had it for over 6 years so I’m not certain.
I run a black branch as my barricade bag and rear bag for prone. It has the squishy fill. Love the bag. Have run a lot of others on your list but don't want to carry an extra bag for prone shooting. Black Branch is a good multiuse bag.
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I’ve been sampling different bags since early last year and I have basicly settled on my old ass Original Tab rear bag from 10 years ago I’ve been using since the day I first got behind a Precision rifle.
Next would be the weibad mini fortune cookie for barricades and more and more as a rear bag as time goes by (been seeing more and more other guys doing the same with the mini fortune cookie as well)
And third is my game changer when I don’t mind having to dick around with that heavy thing which is in a static hunting position or some match stages.
There are lots of great bags out these days so good luck wrapping your mind around this buddy
Come on, guys, just tell me which one is clearly the best so I don't have to think or do any research! Seriously, though, I've been agonizing over this for a while, too.

Your best bet is to try a bunch and see which ones you like. This year I sent out 30 Tactical Udders to match directors for use in matches throughout the year. Hopefully you will be able to handle one at a match and use it to try it out. I know Armageddon and Wiebad also send out care pacakages of bags to the match directors for this same reason. Check with your local match directors to see what they have, and then spend some time before the match shooting off various positions trying a variety of bags. That will be the best way to figure out for you what bag works the best w/o buying a bunch...
There is literally no “right answer” for this. I’ve got a wiebad mini-range cube that’s working well now. If you’re going for a dedicated rear bag, It depends on how high you run your rig, what type of stock you have. If you’re going for a one bag does it all..... you’ll find that there are trade offs. Like people have said, you need to try all you can get your hands on. When you buy the one you want, you’ll find one that fits better. Buy two of that, because you’ll probably lose it or get it stolen.
I am totally satisfied with my choice of nylon support gear. I carry 2 bags to matches.

TAB Gear std rear bag- I've had these sice '08 and they're as strong as ever. They are the perfect rear bag for most uses. They offer 3 heights with solid fill that has just enough room to allow change in each of the 3 heights.

Armegeddon Gear Game Changer- thought it was silly at first until I used one. I have the OG GC and the somewhat smaller one. The slightly smaller one is my favorite as it is still great for barricade work but small enough it can be used as a rear bag if needed. I don't like any of the heavy barricade bags for rear bags but will use them if I have to. For matches that limit you to 1 bag this is what I would be using. I really like the OG for barricade only work but I fight it too much trying to use it as a rear bag.

This is coming from guy that has all the bags out there. I also have the Sacaran and the solo sac. I feel just as capable with them and there are some top shooters using them very effectively. I will take a large pillow style bag with me if I know there is a stage that I need it. If I don't know that I usually wont bring one. Most every squad will have one and most guys will let you borrow a bag so I'm not too worried.
we need to start a great bag exchange on the hide to circulate bags around. But my journey came to the OG waxy canvas GC. The waxy canvas gives me the ability to really mash' er down if needed for a slimmer profile rear bag. Whatever you do - most would recommend 'the one bag' to be a heavy fill full size front bag. take your pick of style/ manufacturer.

Or be like the rest of us and buy them all till you have more shooting bags than your wife has throw pillows.
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I think you’ll find that collecting bags is much like the rest of the equipment that we all have too much or too many of! You’ll end up with several bags in the end and you may find that your favorite bag today isn’t your favorite bag 3 months down the road. Currently my favorite carry in the field sized rear bag is a tab gear large (I also have the smaller one). For competition type shooting I really like my gamechanger, my pump pillow, and my Run n’ Gun bag. I’ve got an industrial sewing machine and have also made many types of bags as well. Start a collection of bags , you’ll be glad you did!
Feed the disease! Lol
i bought. a couple of rear bags but generally use an athletic sock with a section of pantyhose inside and that filled with airsoft bb's with the hose tied off and then the sock tied off. easy to squeeze to get the perfect elevation, and it is very pliable and soft and supportive. if i need something a little taller, i just put a mag or ammo box underneath it.
Anybody have an on-line source for airsoft BB's?
I've got a few rear bags; SAP run and gun bag, red tac gear rear bag, and red tac gear half pint. My favorite is a wiebad modular pump pillow. I have found that with my set up, the other bags just cannot get tall enough- even with the bipod height minimized. The modularity of the bag means that you can add or subtract fill until it is perfect for your situation (you can also put your rain gear, light blanket, or other snivel gear in it instead of the fill bags). Pull out a bag or 2 of the fill and you have enough squeeze to have great control of the rifle. Fill it to the brim as a support for off hand or shots requiring odd body position. It is my "don't leave home without it" bag. If I can take 2, it is that and the wiebad fortune cookie.
I have a bunch of bags, and this is what I have settled on for matches:

- Traust rear bag
- Wiebad mini fortune cookie

Works great and these two bags will get you through 98% of stages. Keep things simple - I see lots of people trying to juggle their 3-4 bags they bring to a stage, and it usually doesn't work out too well for them.
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I think you’ll find that collecting bags is much like the rest of the equipment that we all have too much or too many of! You’ll end up with several bags in the end and you may find that your favorite bag today isn’t your favorite bag 3 months down the road. Currently my favorite carry in the field sized rear bag is a tab gear large (I also have the smaller one). For competition type shooting I really like my gamechanger, my pump pillow, and my Run n’ Gun bag. I’ve got an industrial sewing machine and have also made many types of bags as well. Start a collection of bags , you’ll be glad you did!
Feed the disease! Lol
How do you like the small tab gear vs the large? Is the large just as easy to squeeze/manipulate? Why don’t you like the tab gear bags as much for competition? Thanks for your input!
How do you like the small tab gear vs the large? Is the large just as easy to squeeze/manipulate? Why don’t you like the tab gear bags as much for competition? Thanks for your input!
The large is just as easy to manipulate, it’s actually not much bigger, mostly just a little longer so I can turn the long side up if I need to extend the bipod legs. For most .22 matches you’re only allowed one bag so I like the added features of the pump pillow or gamechanger for a one bag only course of fire. I use the tab gear bags almost every time I’m shooting prone or from a bench at home / training.
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For bench and prone I use a wiebad loop bag or mini tac pad depending on the elevation of the target. For positional I use a bison tactical udder and a traust position gamer bag. I pretty use these every bags all the time. The only other bag that I have that I don't use is the traust rear bag. It's pretty much the same as a wiebad mini tac pad without the foregrip straps and its just a little wider. I'll sell it to you if you want to try it out.
Yeah. There’s no way you’re only getting away with buying one or two bags. There’s always something out there that will take you to the next level and most of the time it turns out to be a disappointment.

I’ve sewn my own bags of different sizes and I keep jumping between them as to which one is my favorite. Luckily I value my time at $0/hr so materials are all it costs me. I use BDU remnants and fill them with the poly beads (like what fills beanie babies).

If you get a size you don’t like, make another one.