I have a bit of land to hunt on, and at any point 130-170 head running around the place (counting my calves). These are my observations:
1. Deer here do not like being around cattle...not just my place, but all the others I hog hunt on. I will not even attempt to deer hunt a pasture that actively has cattle on it. The deer may skirt around cows, but they will not just fall in and hang out 20-30 yards from cattle (again, here). I may see them 100 - 200 yards away at night in my thermal, but usually they are still on the other side of a fence. Last week I had a trail camera 50 yards off a hot wire fence with cows on the other side...after the cows continued to hang out by the fence, I went from 4 - 6 deer nightly on camera to 1. I moved that camera 100 yards further away, and my deer are all back. ** I have enough cover between most pastures that deer can skirt without really exposing themselves...so your terrain may have different results.
2. Cattle play hell with baiting for anything else. Either you have to soak your corn in diesel (for hogs as nothing else will touch it), or you have to put a fence around your feeder.
3. I use cattle to my advantage when deer hunting. By putting them in select pastures, I can limit the potential for deer to be in the next field over and not out in front of me. I also make sure to step in a cow pile before walking in to check game cameras...two hours later and the deer are in front if the camera, instead of picking up my scent and staying clear if the area for a few days. This works with hogs too...after watching a couple boars cross my scent trail and head the other way when I had just simply walked in, I'm now a believer in using a natural scent cover.
I'm not going to speak in absolutes and say that my observations/strategies are superior, but they work for me, for here. I'm already tagged out on bucks this year, and we haven't even started rifle season.
Edited to add my first mount of 2020
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