I hunt state land fairly often. Other than firearm deer season state land contains some of my favorite spots. It's usually pretty quiet and the few hunters I do run into have been fairly respectful and in general decent human beings. Firearm deer season I won't do anymore; too many stupid people for me.
The experience that ended it for me:
4 years ago had a bullet go whistling through the grass not more than a foot in front of me. Not only did genius decide to shoot across a highway, but couldn't be bothered to verify was I was before shooting. We had just acknowledged each other with a quick wave, something I always do to make sure others have seen me, on opposite sides of the road not more than 20min prior.
Not going to lie the thought of lobbing one his way crossed my mind... Fortunately, for both of us, common sense prevailed. Made a call to the local conservation officer who happened to be only 3 miles away on the same highway that genius had just shot across. At least no one got hurt and there is one less idiot out there(open bottle is not a good idea), but it was last in a line of not so good experiences. The camel's back is forever broken for me.