Hunting & Fishing Who else out there hunts state land??


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Feb 1, 2011
Bow season is right around the corner for us in Michigan. Now i hunt state land almost exclusively except on the weekends when i usually hunt behind the house, mainly just to stay away from the masses. Anyone else hunt state land mostly? Any bad experiences with fellow hunters or mostly have the area to yourself?
Bow season isint bad here unless your right off the highway. Firearm season however i avoid state land. The issues i have are usually when people are shocked to see someone and act like they own the place. I always use my summit viper climber stand but people still act like assholes if i bump into them passing by, i try to avoid the area if i can recognize a vehicle and know where they sit but sometimes i will walk by someone. 565fitter, once deer season is over there is not a soul that varmint hunts and few that small game hunt so i have the run of the land basically also.
I hunt state land but avoid weekends, evenings, and any place near the parking lot. Its less than ideal but its all we have. Last year i scouted an area and planned my spot based off tracks and sightings. Got hunkered down before daylight and as the sun came up i noticed a damn lawn chair stuck right on the deers path. It ended up shifting their movements 30 yards the opposite way taking the advantage out of my site. I don't hate the guy as we all have to learn but sure sucks to put in the time to have a weekender ruin a site.
I hunt public here in iowa it's 3.2 miles from my house have to take 4x4 down a very bad level B road. I have only. Ran in to a few people over the last three years. I went to a different piece of public about 1hour from my house to sit and film a hunt but over the hill a guy was blowing his calls and slapping his rattle bag every 2 minutes. But other then that I have good time and the other time I hunt a few pieces of owned land also.
I grew up in mid Michigan but never hunted state land in the lower during rifle season, bow and muzzle loader yes but never rifle season, just to risky. My family has always gone to the western end of the U.P. for deer camp, the land we hunted was public but after about 1 mile from the main road we rarely saw anyone. Luckily my parents had 40 acres behind the house that I had all to myself for archery season and dad always said hunting behind the house was like shooting pets...but they sure tasted good.
I hunt public in Wisconsin and it's always hit or miss with other hunters in the area. During the rifle season we go way back in the woods to avoid others, but due to logging and lack of deer, we're seeing more and more people venturing into the area that we've been hunting for 10+ years. I've never hunted this area during the archery season, but I'll be spending 5 days up there this November bow hunting/camping.
I hunt state land fairly often. Other than firearm deer season state land contains some of my favorite spots. It's usually pretty quiet and the few hunters I do run into have been fairly respectful and in general decent human beings. Firearm deer season I won't do anymore; too many stupid people for me.

The experience that ended it for me:
4 years ago had a bullet go whistling through the grass not more than a foot in front of me. Not only did genius decide to shoot across a highway, but couldn't be bothered to verify was I was before shooting. We had just acknowledged each other with a quick wave, something I always do to make sure others have seen me, on opposite sides of the road not more than 20min prior.

Not going to lie the thought of lobbing one his way crossed my mind... Fortunately, for both of us, common sense prevailed. Made a call to the local conservation officer who happened to be only 3 miles away on the same highway that genius had just shot across. At least no one got hurt and there is one less idiot out there(open bottle is not a good idea), but it was last in a line of not so good experiences. The camel's back is forever broken for me.
State land in indiana is pretty terrible. There is some good land in hossier nat'l forest but that is a 3 hiur drive for me. Im lucky to have a few buddies with lots of acreage in northwest indiana, which is an urban zone. Urban zones here have a much longer season and allow for additional tags so it works out pretty good.
Buddy of mine got this nice bull on public land a couple of years ago. We'd been hunting that spot for 5 plus years and this is by far the nicest bull we've seen.


I have nearly 1000 acres of public land at my disposal right outside our small town in the midwest. Weekends are almost comical. You walk down the trail head and count the hunters Sitting just off the side of it... I have patterned the deer, and as the hunters move in, they go deep. Yes I make a few early birds unhappy when I walk by them on my way in, but I know where the deer are, they dont. My advice is go deep and as far away from the others as possible, you can guarantee the deer won't be heavy where they are.

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I hunt lots of public land here in WY. Fortunately, it's the least populated state in the USA so the areas where I do hunt, I hardly ever see other hunters. When I do, they're usually a good distance away. I've had lots of success hunting public lands here... Hoping for the same this coming season!
I hunt elk on public land here in Wyoming with good luck and run into some people and most are friendly. The funny part is most of the people are in their pickup on the road and those are the real fuck heads. I don't deal with them cause I'm on foot in the steep shit working for it. Steeper the country the less people. Deer hunting I'm lucky enough to be buddies with a area rancher and all his 15,000 acres is my deer hunting.