"I was convinced
that I put enough lanolin oil & alcohol on my brass when trying to resize...case is stuck and as we speak is at my local Gunsmith who will attempt to pry the stuck case out. I have not had a problem with other FL sizing die when needing to resize my brass. However with this Triebel die I can't seem to find the spot to bump my shoulders even 1 thous.. What am I doing wrong? We both know its not the die its
User error."
That was my message to "powerspc" ( thank you again powerspc) few days ago to try to figure out how to get the case unstuck from my Triebel die that I just got from Germany.. So I use Prazzi 120 press and could not be happier...except few days ago. Using my Redding shell holder this happened on the case #6 as I started to reload...and it was not bumping shoulders like I wanted to. For PRS I bump shoulders 0.002 back.Long story short that SOB would not come out for nothing...Even the local Gunsmith gave up on it. I was depressed ...I just got the fricken die and I &^%ed it up already? Low point...questioning my reloading skills etc.
Then I reached out to Powerspc here on Hide. And again this is why I love this community. He made some suggestions. Then after contacting my buddy who has been reloading for 40 y. (experience does count folks
). I took my die went to my buddy's place he is Farmer and a hard working man.
So he suggested that he use cerrosafe...I was like "what is that?" Then he showed me and used it on my stuck case. First he put a small cloth patch at the bottom already drilled flash hole by Gunsmith who was unable to get the case out, then by pouring liquid cerrosafe and letting it cool for a minute or two. Then he used a punch...bent that one...went back to his Farm Shed and brought a 'sturdier' punch and it worked. I owe my friend a beer and a dinner
PROBLEM SOLVED. Thank you for helping out !!! It was the Redding shell holder. I used Home Depot $39.99 grinder that was sitting at the back of the garage collecting dust
. I shaved .02-.03 thou. off the top and now it's sizing like it's supposed to. When I get paid I'll collect all the #1 Shell Holders that I can think of and see which one is the most consistent
. Also sent email to Triebel few days ago about this and no response yet. I will contact them again and see if I can get their shell holder. In a hindsight it never occurred to me to order shell holders from them...brilliant on your part
powerspc . Small very small mar on the shell when it comes out the die due to my buddy having to use cerrosafe, melting it, and then putting it inside the shell. Waiting to cool off and then hammering SOB out. Still I checked and loads like butter and should be no issues. Now I'm reloading for 2 day Federal Match in AL next week. Off to the range shortly to confirm my node & load. Thank you again.
That was my message to powerspc after it all worked out.
Thank you again powerspc and my friend . What are we without friends in our lives? I don't know but I feel blessed that I have few that actually care.
That was my message to "powerspc" ( thank you again powerspc) few days ago to try to figure out how to get the case unstuck from my Triebel die that I just got from Germany.. So I use Prazzi 120 press and could not be happier...except few days ago. Using my Redding shell holder this happened on the case #6 as I started to reload...and it was not bumping shoulders like I wanted to. For PRS I bump shoulders 0.002 back.Long story short that SOB would not come out for nothing...Even the local Gunsmith gave up on it. I was depressed ...I just got the fricken die and I &^%ed it up already? Low point...questioning my reloading skills etc.
Then I reached out to Powerspc here on Hide. And again this is why I love this community. He made some suggestions. Then after contacting my buddy who has been reloading for 40 y. (experience does count folks
So he suggested that he use cerrosafe...I was like "what is that?" Then he showed me and used it on my stuck case. First he put a small cloth patch at the bottom already drilled flash hole by Gunsmith who was unable to get the case out, then by pouring liquid cerrosafe and letting it cool for a minute or two. Then he used a punch...bent that one...went back to his Farm Shed and brought a 'sturdier' punch and it worked. I owe my friend a beer and a dinner
PROBLEM SOLVED. Thank you for helping out !!! It was the Redding shell holder. I used Home Depot $39.99 grinder that was sitting at the back of the garage collecting dust
That was my message to powerspc after it all worked out.
Thank you again powerspc and my friend . What are we without friends in our lives? I don't know but I feel blessed that I have few that actually care.