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Night Vision Wilcox BOSS-Xe - the Swiss Army Knife of weapon optics!


Nest-stirring pot-poker.
Full Member
  • Jan 17, 2014
    NO AL
    So… Wilcox finally released a new product into the wild a week or two ago — the new wunderkind BOSS-Xe — a/k/a “How much technology can we possibly cram into a 10-ounce EOTech reflex optic?” — Ballistically Optimized Sighting System - Enhanced with its whimsically nomenclatured “environmentally stable optical bench.”

    The BOSS is basically an EOTech EXPS3 with a built-in RAID-Xe — visible and IR lasers and illuminators (yes, plural “illuminators”) — all in just nine glorious ounces!

    The concept is fantastic: Merge two critical combat devices into a single device, without sacrificing functionality, while reducing both size and weight, in an age of ever-diminishing rail space. Give it a cool little throw lever that switches retical aim-points between supersonic and subsonic .300 Blackout rounds. Then, make it bombproof, waterproof, and while we’re at it let’s also give it frickin’ Bluetooth and make it part of the ATAK battlespace. And, oh yeah, let’s give it a panic button… because every reflex sight needs a damn panic button!

    Hells yeah!

    Wilcox must have some really interesting development and engineering meetings where people just blurt out ideas and management shouts “Halleluia! Let’s do it!”

    That’s literally the only reason I can think of for putting a ridiculously sensitive angle/cant sensor into an unmagnified reflex site designed for subsonic .300BLK rounds — which apparently cannot be disabled and is specifically designed to flash the red reticle and induce epileptic seizures in people that never had epilepsy.

    Yeah, this is how Wilcox gives the world epilepsy.

    Weinstein. Trudeau. Flugelbinder. Wilcox?

    As you can probably deduct, Wilcox can’t help but Rube Goldberg the absolute fuck out of an otherwise great idea — it’s what they do.

    Anywho… as you might imagine, compromises have been made. It’s not chocolate and peanut butter here, that when combined make both already-awesome single things into one even better thing.

    Previous attempts at such a device have been made, most notably with the EOLAD and the L3 Abominable Pyramid — neither of which were any good.

    [more to come]









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    The GOOD:

    Small size
    Best integrated Reflex/Laser to date
    Not an entirely unreasonable price
    Instant switch between super/sub zeroes
    Dual illuminators for CQB flood and long range
    NOD compatible
    Bluetooth / ATAK integrated
    All reticles/zeroes/visible/IR lasers are slaved and change automatically with sub/super switch.
    Great for Ye of little rail space.

    The BAD:

    Jack of all trades, master of none compromises
    Not an entirely reasonable price
    Angle/cant detection is idiotic
    CQB IR illuminator flood easily obscured
    EOTech-style design without EOTech reticle
    No QD mount
    Internal “Iron” sights are idiotic
    Bluetooth/ATAK “Panic Button” is ridonkulous
    Complicated, fragile remote switch plug
    Under NODs, reticle window washes out when firing IR lasers/illuminators

    The VERDICT:

    Steiner/EOTech and L3 have tried to make a useable all-in-one Reflex/PEQ combo unit in the past, and neither were very good. The Wilcox BOSS-Xe improves on those units by a considerable margin, but combining a hammer and a pair of pliers into a single usable tool obviously requires some ”settling”, and the BOSS isn’t exempt from compromise.

    Wilcox has “delivered” a very workable solution, with some qualifications. The size and weight are nothing short of remarkable. When you consider that you basically get an EOTech and a RAID-Xe combined into a single, tiny unit that weighs 20% less than the latest/greatest EXPS3 alone, that’s something to boast about. Then consider that ALL lasers and both RDS zeroes are SLAVED together — meaning if your reticle is zeroed, your visible and IR lasers are zeroed — and the advantages begin to accrue in favor of the unified solution. Adding in the instant switch back and forth from supersonic-zero to subsonic-zero, and you may find yourself asking “Why would anyone ever go back to using two separate units?”

    Aside from the obvious/erroneous “If one thing breaks, everything breaks” argument, the real reason someone might consider using two independent units is because it gives the shooter the flexibility to get the best of each depending upon their preference, instead of “settling” for the compromises of one manufacturer combining both. I’m at home with both Aimpoint and EOTech optics, but I prefer EO for CQ because my brain loves the 0600 hash mark on the big circle for <10 yard targets. The BOSS reticle is either a basic dot (a la Aimpoint) or a dot with a broken outer circle that serves no functional purpose. Then that silly “cant” sensor with flashing reticle just makes no sense to me. On a 500-yard rifle with magnified optic, OK, but not on an RDS pewing .300BO.

    Bluetooth/ATAK is still more of a novelty in the CIV world, but I still see little use for it in a reflex sight even in the high speed world — unless it’s for marketing bullet points.

    I run a high optic, and have the BOSS on a Unity riser, which helps alleviate *some* of the CQ IR Flood obscuration, because apparently the only place left for Wilcox to put it was right on the rail. So if your grip throws your thumb over top of the rail — like is taught by everyone out there in today’s Elite Chairborne Ranger schools — you’ll see some shadow. The riser helps, but it doesn’t entirely eliminate the problem.

    I probably sound a little harsh on the BOSS-Xe, but I really do like it and will put in the time to get used to it. Being able to ditch the separate LAM is a big deal. Being able to instantly swap subs and supers on the fly while keeping all of your aim points intact is a big deal too. Only needing a white WML up front makes life easier. Anything that reduces the number of tumors you need to clamp to your gun is a win in my book. Anything that keeps me from buying that GBRS mount abomination is an ancilliary benefit.

    The $5K pricetag is… tolerable. A RAID-Xe and quality RDS will cost you about the same, so this is as reasonable as Wilcox gets. After all, these are the same dudes who charge $400 for a $20 aluminum NV mount, $8000 for an LRF, and $700 for a cable with a 50% factory DOA rate.

    So, if you NOD, like full power everything, hate heavy rifles, shoot .300BLK, have $5,000 kicking around, and like to buy “the latest thing”, the Wilcox BOSS-Xe is your ticket to Nocturnal LARP Emissions.
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    I have questions. I also blame Jay for me even being here.

    - How do you turn the IR/flood on? Please don't tell me I have to somehow do it off of the housing or that it uses the same retarded switch as the RAPTAR.
    - Are we lucky enough for it to use the Insight plug?
    - The fuck does the panic button do? That's like the last thing I need on a gun.
    - What functionality does it have linked to ATAK? It doesn't have a LRF or internal GPS in it so it doesn't know where it is or what its looking at.
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    Sounds like Super / Sub could also be Suppressed / Non-Suppressed for those obsessed with accuracy in an RDS?

    My biggest concern is the illuminator shadow but that's something that can probably be worked around if you can dump 7-10 oz from the front of your handguard. Pretty cool, thanks for the writeup
    It definitely benefits from the Unity riser.

    It has a couple of things I’d like to change, but overall it’s a winner. It really works well. Getting the LAM off the gun is a BIG improvement.
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    Right? I didn't pay that for mine they were way cheaper, I thin I paid 387 for them. They are pretty cool as you can remove the magnifier completely with just a click similar to their NV mounts.

    Edit: The cant indicator believe it or not may actually play a role if you are using the laser or reticle to engage at longer distances with subs, also since the laser isn't aligned above the bore directly you could theoretically miss a head shot due to laser error if using laser only. Although arguably you may or may not be looking through the reticle if using laser only. Be gentle @TheHorta
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    Which military contract was this for? I didn’t think Wilcox made anything for non-mil… EOTech illumination bugs the heck out of my eyes otherwise this might be worth looking at.
    Well just an FYI the BOSSXe doesnt work with the wilcox riser. The wilcox riser only has one slot and the BossXe needs two slots for the dual thumbscrews. I am going to take mine to a friends machine shop and have him cut a second slot.
    I ordered a couple of those today, Even got the flip mount for magnifier. Wayyyy cheaper than the wilcox and I like the way the magnifier flip from unity works.

    Edit: I called Wilcox about this and they had no idea what I was talking about LOL
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    Some modest complaints about the BOSS.

    The reticle was pulled straight from a UTG or Leapers $29 RDS. Seriously, it’s a joke. But at least the Boss is only $5,000 — so all is forgiven.

    That angle cant detection is still idiotic for a RDS intended for subsonic .300BO.

    The brightness adjustment for the reticle isn’t granular enough. It goes from “I can barely make it out” to “My eyes! My eyes!” in a single push.

    It’s just a weird form factor, but it does have a ton of crap packed into it.

    ATAK interface is gay. GAAAAAAYYYYYY!
    • Haha
    Reactions: tangloppen
    Are you saying I shouldn't even bother turning the Bluetooth on? 🤣🤣

    I still like the subsonic/super switch, I even use that on the 223 to make a 500m zero.

    But I def turn the cant off... It's freeking annoying.
    • Haha
    Reactions: TheHorta
    The side arcs of the reticle provide CANT indication when enabled. This indication can be toggled ON or OFF while in the Reticle Configurastion switch position. To do this, press and hold the Center and UP buttons, until the CANT indication cahnges to the desired state. For example, if the unit has reticle CANT indication enabled, Holding the two buttons will DISABLE the CANT indication. THIS ACTION CAN INLY BE PERFORMED IN THE RETICLE CONFIGURATION SWITCH POSITION. reticle CANT DEFAULTS can be enabled or disabled my friend. Therefore setting defaults will turn Reticle CANT indication back on.
    thanx for purchasing the BOSS. dbRDT&E Wx
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    I guess my question becomes:

    What is the big thing this offers compared to pairing a RAID-Xe or similar with the new-generation thermal overlaid holographics that are starting to hit the market? (besides the obvious one of price)

    I get the space and weight savings, but it seems like a bit too much of a compromise on other fronts to be worth it over the advantages gained by keeping the LAM and sighting device separate? (such as the rangefinder option now that the MRF-Xe exists)
    That's a really great question.
    It's origins were for specifically for the Sig Rattler in 300 BO where Super and Sub are being used by tier1 operators.
    The focus was specifically drop compensation at 100M under nv enabled ir pointers. (red was added for spotting and for boresighting.) Add to that a request to support room clearing w something akin to pvs-31s, there's your fixed focus wided angle ir; and you can see the roots of it's collective design. Other features were added from other customers and it has been modded over the years to meet those needs. It's not a pancea. And it reminds some of the swiss army knives that are 5 inches wide and weigh the same in lbs. :). Too much is often not good - it is realized. The MRF Xe is in its own category. Currently lightest, tightest and smallest in the market after a recent market study. (at this time - there's always going to be something in competition) - that's what drives all engineering to work... Your knowledge is impressive and I'm glad to share what I can.
    • Like
    Reactions: TheHorta
    That's a really great question.
    It's origins were for specifically for the Sig Rattler in 300 BO where Super and Sub are being used by tier1 operators.
    The focus was specifically drop compensation at 100M under nv enabled ir pointers. (red was added for spotting and for boresighting.) Add to that a request to support room clearing w something akin to pvs-31s, there's your fixed focus wided angle ir; and you can see the roots of it's collective design. Other features were added from other customers and it has been modded over the years to meet those needs. It's not a pancea. And it reminds some of the swiss army knives that are 5 inches wide and weigh the same in lbs. :). Too much is often not good - it is realized. The MRF Xe is in its own category. Currently lightest, tightest and smallest in the market after a recent market study. (at this time - there's always going to be something in competition) - that's what drives all engineering to work... Your knowledge is impressive and I'm glad to share what I can.
    Thanks for the clarification. The use case on the Rattler makes perfect sense, as the 5.5" barrel would result in very significant disparities for trajectory, even over quite short distances with LAM being used

    So if I'm understanding correctly, the BOSS is considered mostly to be a close-quarters optic and thus the thermal fusion would be assumed to be handled by some sort of helmet-mounted solution (E-coti, etc) instead of an on-weapon one.
    Which Thermal overlays are you actually referring to? I am just curious, I might need to start saving now. Since the IVAS has been halted, I was actually excited about that.

    Edit: I am genuinely interested, not trying to be argumentative..
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    Which Thermal overlays are you actually referring to? I am just curious, I might need to start saving now. Since the IVAS has been halted, I was actually excited about that.

    Edit: I am genuinely interested, not trying to be argumentative..
    currently one on market, one coming
    on market right now is the Steiner CQT:

    Coming to market is the Holosun thermal hybrids demo'd at shot show
    Have some more time on the BOSS. Definitely growing on me as time goes by. Biggest negative is the crap $39 optic reticle, but it’s not really a big issue. You’d just think the ONE thing you’ll always be looking at on a $5000 optic would have some thought put into it.

    But, as a whole, it’s the best AIO optic out there, and the switching between zeroes is spectacular.
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