To get impacts beyond 600 yards, I’m having to change my bc from .292 to .280 AND change MV from a twice verified (two garmins running side by side) 2770 to 2750. On the Hornady app, this equates to 2750 and a AFF of 1.10. If I don’t change the muzzle velocity, there is no allowable AFF large enough to give me true results. To clarify, if I put in the largest allowable AFF and start lowering MV, 2750 is the first speed at which the calculated dope matches reality after conventional rounding. The curve predicted by AB matches at .280/2750. If I put the verified MV (2770) in to AB, i have to go to a BC of .272 to get hits.
This is verified at both 1800 ft and 70* and 7000 ft and 40* on small enough targets that I’m confident it’s not just bad shooting/spotting.
Berger 109 LRHT, 7.5 twist. 1000 rounds on the barrel/brake combo. 30 rounds over the garmin shows an SD of 8 and an ES of 34 and the barrel shot two back to back cloverleaf groups (sub 1/2”).
Anyone have any ideas why I’m seeing such incredible inefficiency downrange. Something about the bullets? A barrel problem causing a change to external ballistics? I’ve never seen such a huge truing solution required.
This is verified at both 1800 ft and 70* and 7000 ft and 40* on small enough targets that I’m confident it’s not just bad shooting/spotting.
Berger 109 LRHT, 7.5 twist. 1000 rounds on the barrel/brake combo. 30 rounds over the garmin shows an SD of 8 and an ES of 34 and the barrel shot two back to back cloverleaf groups (sub 1/2”).
Anyone have any ideas why I’m seeing such incredible inefficiency downrange. Something about the bullets? A barrel problem causing a change to external ballistics? I’ve never seen such a huge truing solution required.