Wilson Die Questions


Full Member
Mar 17, 2013
I am going to get a Wilson Die Kit 2 which includes the Case gage, bullet seater & the bushing FLD (full length die). It does not include the neck bushing. I am just getting into 6.5 creedmoor & waiting for my MPA rifle. I have 500 rounds of Eagle Eye Ammo which uses Alpha SRP brass. I don't have any fired cases so don't know which neck bushing to use. If somebody has this brass & can tell me what the wall thickness is & I can take a chance (assume that my brass will be same thickness) I will be able to order a bushing.

Also, the bullet seater has an option for a seating stem for standard or VLD bullets. I plan on loading ELD-M bullets. Is the standard stem what I need?

Finally, comments on their case gage? Never have used one before but this one seems like it will be a quick way to make multiple checks.

All you need to do is take a loaded round, measure the O/D of the neck and subtract .001"-.002". That will get you where you need to be. I used the -.001" when buying my bushings, that worked for me. Some may say to use the -.002" measurement.
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