I believe it is wisners that actually makes most of the current reproduction mags that have a good reputation. Stay away from anything else aftermarkpet.
best is original Winchester mags which are usually hard to find and expensive - and yes all the box mag winchesters from 1920’s to the 1960’s took the same mag as noted above.
sometimes you get lucky. Look in those dusty junk boxes in old gun shops and at gun shows and you occasionally come across a decent magazine in such collections
There are slight variations in the magazines by vintage. Markings etc. also factory 5 and 10 shot mags as well as several types of single shot adaptors. Then the variations of the .22 short mags.
For some reason the 22 short mags don’t work in the C versions. They are fine in the other Win box mag guns.
I have large boxes of the various variations if anyone needs to compare.