I had a very fine stock maker & gunsmith re-stock a CMP 52D as a sporter for me several years ago. When I asked if he'd drill & tap the receiver for a scope mount, he turned me down flat. Wound up buying an EGW cantilevered mount that fits on the shank of the bbl (stainless Broughton that they contoured to be a close match to the Japanese Browning/Winchester sporter bbls on the replica 52B sporters). I've got an old Weaver V16 on it, and haven't had any issues with that scope mount. Don't have a separate photo of the 52D - the other rifle is a BAT 3L LR prone rifle that the same guy stocked for me. Karl Kenyon did one of his terrific trigger jobs on the 52D's trigger - it's all I could've asked for, except that it's a D model instead of a C repeater....