Re: Windage Effects
So, you are well on your way. My bad, I should have known from your questions that you were up to something.
I would recommend you do your solution on x, not t. It will be easier to set up your trajectory tables and to do angled fire solutions.
While we're on angled fire, I recommend not rotating your axis', BTW...keep y perpinduclar to the earth. I found this way much easier. I then just bookkeep the difference in height from the target at any given range. To get come-ups the path needs to be multiplied by the cosine up the site angle, though. Most programs out there do not do this, BTW. So, while they're path or trajectory may be correct, the shooter is left with an additional step to get the correct come-ups.
RK4 is fairly straigth-forward and JBM has the equations for non-liner coupled ODE's posted on his website. I did do some head scratching on x not actually appearing in any of the equ's of motion, but just set up your functions as they are in MCoys book, and set-up up your K constants on Vx, Vy, and Vz and you will be GTG. I will try to write up my RK4 equations and post here, but I am really buried at work so it might not happen immediately.
Also, no need for such a small time step (or the equivalent x). At least with RK4, I found the equivalent of .001s to be plenty good even in the transonic and subsonic zones.
Ahh, as for how I got in to this... I have a bachelors and masters in aerospace eng from VT. I spent a good portion of my career modeling flow over airfoils and jet engine thermodynamics for one of the large (see largest

) .gov contractors. Eventually said employer talked me in to getting an MBA. I now build financial and economic models which, believe it or not, are incredibly complex.
So, I model ballistics to suppoprt my shooting, and because they're are certain "features" I need that are not available in any of the commercial packages. I still use several extensively, though, especially LB3 (3 months or so), Shooter, Ballistics FTE, and JBM.