Woke Pope soon to Push Up Daisies/Stoke Hellfire for Eternity??


Command Sgt. Major
Full Member
Pope Francis Fuels Conclave Rumors by Canceling July Trip to Africa

Well when you’re a socialist/communist/LGBT/pedophile loving pope, then at a certain point isn’t God going to strike you down just because?

Let’s hope this time the college of Cardinals doesn’t elect a South American Marxist when what they need is another fire and brimstone Polack to clean out the commies and the pedos and the Eco-muppets.

Man, I will be hoping for Pope Lenin the First’s painful and spectacular transition to Dante’s Hades daily! Maybe he’ll get a pineapple in his butt, too!

God 1. Woke Pope 0. Please make it happen your Godliness. I’ll avert my eyes and grovel.


Sadly, that Commie has packed the College of Cardinals with a Majority of commies.

The Catholic Church is now simply a Marxist front and will be bent on destroying Western Civilization and being the vanguard of Socialism across the planet.

Maybe it’s time to strip them of religious exemptions and tax their property?

Or have a new reformation.

Pope Francis Fuels Conclave Rumors by Canceling July Trip to Africa

Well when you’re a socialist/communist/LGBT/pedophile loving pope, then at a certain point isn’t God going to strike you down just because?

Let’s hope this time the college of Cardinals doesn’t elect a South American Marxist when what they need is another fire and brimstone Polack to clean out the commies and the pedos and the Eco-muppets.

Man, I will be hoping for Pope Lenin the First’s painful and spectacular transition to Dante’s Hades daily! Maybe he’ll get a pineapple in his butt, too!

God 1. Woke Pope 0. Please make it happen your Godliness. I’ll avert my eyes and grovel.


He wasnt 'Fire and Brimstone', he just knew the Truth and refused to admit to less. He was one hell of a man. an honor to his Polish heritage. We could use a few of his merit in America today.
Pope Francis Fuels Conclave Rumors by Canceling July Trip to Africa

Well when you’re a socialist/communist/LGBT/pedophile loving pope, then at a certain point isn’t God going to strike you down just because?

Let’s hope this time the college of Cardinals doesn’t elect a South American Marxist when what they need is another fire and brimstone Polack to clean out the commies and the pedos and the Eco-muppets.

Man, I will be hoping for Pope Lenin the First’s painful and spectacular transition to Dante’s Hades daily! Maybe he’ll get a pineapple in his butt, too!

God 1. Woke Pope 0. Please make it happen your Godliness. I’ll avert my eyes and grovel.


You know, I wish we could bring back Pope John Paul, Maggie Thatcher and Ronaldus Maximus (and Rush Limbaugh).
We need some real fucking strong leadership and some bitch slapping in this world, especially in DC.
Sadly, that Commie has packed the College of Cardinals with a Majority of commies.

The Catholic Church is now simply a Marxist front and will be bent on destroying Western Civilization and being the vanguard of Socialism across the planet.

Maybe it’s time to strip them of religious exemptions and tax their property?

Or have a new reformation.

Religious and charity tax exemptions should all be ended.
You know, I wish we could bring back Pope John Paul, Maggie Thatcher and Ronaldus Maximus (and Rush Limbaugh).
We need some real fucking strong leadership and some bitch slapping in this world, especially in DC.
Screw those wimps.... we need Patton! Maybe a dose of Sherman (sorry Southern Friends...), Pershing... and Hooker and Stonewall Jackson.

Lots of bitches need slapped, lots of mules need shooting and lots of Atlanta's need burning!

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