
Dead Eye Dick

Command Spec 4 (formally known as Wiillk)
Full Member
May 18, 2020
North Louisiana
I’’ve made it well known that Brenda has been a fine wife, a super partner and everything a man really could want. And she’s a darned good shot and loves to go shooting. (Though she does get somewhat put out when she is having trouble hitting something.)

However she is a women. (Thank GOD) We were discussing her Interrupting others when they are speaking. She was speaking somewhat reticent, admitting that she is seriously at fault in this regard.

So, I jokingly chose to punish her by not allow her to speak for 30 seconds. Immediately she replied, “oh, that’s going to be hard.”

Will, Brenda and I all had a good laugh, knowing she could not make it even a full second.
