From the article:
“White House aides have become more sensitive about videos of President Joe Biden and have begun to
quarrel with their media allies about the coverage of Biden’s age, gaffes, and videos
exposing moments of strange confusion.”
“quarrel with their media allies”?? Now they’re openly admitting what we’ve all know for years that the liberal media is totally a propaganda tool of the left and the left counts on them to cover any negative press with lies. Now the left is trying to rein them in because they are starting to not buy the BS and instead expose it……just a little. And their sheep keep buying all the nonsense while being led to their eventual demise. Crazy.
They also said the following:
“It is also the responsibility of social media companies and media allies to mitigate the impact of the videos, the official stressed.”
Nuts, and here I thought it was the responsibility of media companies to expose the truth and only report the truth, but apparently it’s just the opposite. Sarcasm font off…..