Would you get into 6.5 Grendel in 2024?


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Mar 25, 2019
Thinking about building a 18-20" Grendel. Will be shooting with my son at a local 1000 yard range and was thinking of building a upper for those ranges. I see stuff out there for Grendel but it sure doesn't seem to have taken off quite like 300 blackout or similar.

Is it worth the squeeze?
This is the answer.

Hell I got in and out of the Grendel 12 years ago

What made you get out of it? The concept of the round seems really good but it doesn't seem to ever have taken off. Is the AR15 platform just too small for an effective long distance round?
The concept of the round seems really good but it doesn't seem to ever have taken off. Is the AR15 platform just too small for an effective long distance round?
It's taken off about as well as a niche cartridge with the huge disadvantage of not being 5.56/mil surplus cheap possibly could.
I dabbled in 6.5G since 2016 or so. My last and currently only was assembled in 2022 and it's a shorty specifically built for putting a hurt on things at close to mid range, with the fringe benefit of being better at long range than you would think.
But it's not fantastic at long range, and my 6mm is better. So my opinion in summary is: 6.5 is biased towards killing and 6mm towards target shooting, but with enough overlap that if you could only have one you could flip a coin and be happy.
But the real answer is to have both.

Also to your last sentence, when you're limited by the small frame AR magwell you have to scale your expectations accordingly. 6mm/22ARC, 224V etc. are pretty great long range cartridges FOR AN AR. None of them can ever be a 6 or 6.5CM or a magnum by any stretch of the imagination.
What made you get out of it? The concept of the round seems really good but it doesn't seem to ever have taken off. Is the AR15 platform just too small for an effective long distance round?

Proprietary mags and bolt head, and for what? Having to use 24" barrel to maximize its potential?

I think this fight happened and the 6.8 spc was the winner, doing everything the Grendel can do with a shorter barrel. Yes it's not shared AR mags but if you're going proprietary, might as well get the most you can from a 16" barrel.

Grendel was underwhelming for me
Proprietary mags and bolt head, and for what? Having to use 24" barrel to maximize its potential?

I think this fight happened and the 6.8 spc was the winner, doing everything the Grendel can do with a shorter barrel. Yes it's not shared AR mags but if you're going proprietary, might as well get the most you can from a 16" barrel.

Grendel was underwhelming for me

That sucks, I had big hopes of an AR15 based 18-20" that could stretch out to 1000 yards. Might instead build a 6.5 Creedmoor big frame AR. I'll be reloading for 6.5 Creedmoor anyways.
In my experience and for my use, 6.5Grendel > 6ARC. Factory ammo is easier to find and cheaper in my area. I have to pay to shoot further than 700 yards. 6Arc was dirtier. My $150 AR15Performance close out 6.5Grendel barrel out shoots my Proof 6ARC. 123 grain ELD Hornady black smashes Ga deer out to 400.
I like my Grendel but I shoot my large frames more. My 16” 6.5Creedmoor and 308’s are the same length and weigh within a pound of my 18” Grendel.
That sucks, I had big hopes of an AR15 based 18-20" that could stretch out to 1000 yards.

It can. But stretch is the operative word. Any of the Grendel/ARC/Valkyrie/MAX rounds will do it. But not much more, and not as well as any real short action cartridge.
Hell, my son just made first round and many consecutive hits on a silhouette at 800 with a 14.5" 5.56 yesterday. So it doesn't take that much horsepower to "get to 1000" if that's all you want.
I like my 6ARC because it drives a 105 faster than 6.5 grendel can drive a 123. I can get in the 2800 range with 90tgk in my 6 arc. I want to say 105scenars were around 2500 in my grendel. I would say get both and a 300 blackout then decide which one you like best, keep the other two, and get two more.
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I know longer = better for distance shooting but a 16" or 18" 6.5CM sounds very fun! What brand receivers did you go with if you built it yourself?
Replaced the factory Seekins SP10(old model) barrel with a 16” rifle gas, melonited, Criterion.

140Grain 6.5 Creedmoor Hornady Black costs the same as 6.5 Grendel 123 ELD Hornady Black at Academy.

I havent shot it past 200 yards yet but accuracy with that factory load is about .75 moa so far. No reliability issues. Gas block is wide open.
That sucks, I had big hopes of an AR15 based 18-20" that could stretch out to 1000 yards. Might instead build a 6.5 Creedmoor big frame AR. I'll be reloading for 6.5 Creedmoor anyways.
I’m hoping to see if the 20” Ruger .308 SFAR has any legs to it…. But doubting much past 800.
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Yes. 556/223 for ubiquity. 7.62x39 for killing stuff inside 200 yards. 6.5 Grendel for hunting to 400 and target shooting beyond. If you really want the thousand yard easy button, 338 Lapua. Me? I don't have that kind of cash. The Grendel is spendier than it was pre Pepperoni, but everything is.

If you want a Creedmoor, get a bolt gun. I get tired of "Large Frame/AR10 Build Problem" threads
At one of my last matches I took my Grendel gas gun out to see how it does. I got a .4 MRAD of POI shift from receiver/barrel extension flex, but I mean, I got a second round impact at 1100yds, and it was fine out to 900 in mild wind. At ~2500 fps with 123 Scenars it's not hitting with a ton of force at 1k, but it's fun, and it's similar to shooting a .223 bolt gun with 75 ELDMs at 2900 FPS at that distance. The wind knocks you around a lot more than a creedmoor or 6mm wind cheater, but as TonyTheTiger said, scale your expectations, and you'll be plenty happy with it.

And be warned - not all 6 ARC barrels are created equal. I know a lot of guys who've had issues with overgassing 6 ARC, even with adjustable gas blocks. That gas port has got to be small. You've got a lot more pressure behind a 6 ARC than a Grendel, and it comes back to the bolt pretty strong if the barrel maker isn't well versed in the cartridge.
Proprietary mags and bolt head, and for what? Having to use 24" barrel to maximize its potential?

I think this fight happened and the 6.8 spc was the winner, doing everything the Grendel can do with a shorter barrel. Yes it's not shared AR mags but if you're going proprietary, might as well get the most you can from a 16" barrel.

Grendel was underwhelming for me

One time I looked up our sales between the two and it was the opposite. I forget exactly but it was like a 4:1 or 5:1 in favor of the Grendel.

6.5 Grendel has a place, but if you're wanting to stretch the legs of a small-frame AR, I'd vote 6mm ARC.
At one of my last matches I took my Grendel gas gun out to see how it does. I got a .4 MRAD of POI shift from receiver/barrel extension flex, but I mean, I got a second round impact at 1100yds, and it was fine out to 900 in mild wind. At ~2500 fps with 123 Scenars it's not hitting with a ton of force at 1k, but it's fun, and it's similar to shooting a .223 bolt gun with 75 ELDMs at 2900 FPS at that distance. The wind knocks you around a lot more than a creedmoor or 6mm wind cheater, but as TonyTheTiger said, scale your expectations, and you'll be plenty happy with it.

And be warned - not all 6 ARC barrels are created equal. I know a lot of guys who've had issues with overgassing 6 ARC, even with adjustable gas blocks. That gas port has got to be small. You've got a lot more pressure behind a 6 ARC than a Grendel, and it comes back to the bolt pretty strong if the barrel maker isn't well versed in the cartridge.

What barrel are you using for your 6.5? There are some but really not that many. Plus the fact that you need a bolt with the barrel and some don't even come as a package. The Satern barrel looks the best for the money but I've read they are a 50/50 chance of getting a good one or a shit one. (NOT the cut barrel $$$)

I like the idea of the 6ARC but I don't see it taking off at all.
Don't get my barrel. It's a Ballistic Advantage SPR barrel. Was hoping to get a CLE, but it looks like they're dropping out of public sales, so I'll be looking at replacing it with a Craddock. 1100yds was good, but my scores weren't great, partially from flex, partially because the group sizes were hovering around +/- 1 MOA.
What barrel are you using for your 6.5? There are some but really not that many. Plus the fact that you need a bolt with the barrel and some don't even come as a package. The Satern barrel looks the best for the money but I've read they are a 50/50 chance of getting a good one or a shit one. (NOT the cut barrel $$$)

I like the idea of the 6ARC but I don't see it taking off at all.
If you want to play with the Grendel, grab a barrel and bolt from https://www.sixfiveoutfitters.com/
Just don't tell @Constructor

If you decide it's not for you, pull the barrel, switch to the ARC, and rock on. If you decide you like it, put some $ in a better barrel.
If you want to play with the Grendel, grab a barrel and bolt from https://www.sixfiveoutfitters.com/
Just don't tell @Constructor

If you decide it's not for you, pull the barrel, switch to the ARC, and rock on. If you decide you like it, put some $ in a better barrel.

I saw those barrels! Absolutely stupid cheap...So be honest, what's the deal here? 20" heavy barrel for under $170.
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I saw those barrels! Absolutely stupid cheap...So be honest, what's the deal here? 20" heavy barrel for under $170.
Green Mountain blanks. Most users are able to get MOA with good ammo or handloads. You probably won't be shooting one hole groups, but you won't get shotgun patterns either. The guy who runs SixFive is the Grendel Forum admin. He won't sell you a trash barrel for his favorite cartridge.

My 3 Grendel barrels are all no longer made.
18 inch Dez Arms fluted barrel
24 inch Hardened Arms bull barrel
16 inch AR Performance
Proof Research stainless barrels are cut-rifled and I've had really good luck with them in the past. In lieu of CLE there's that and Kreiger that I'm aware of for top-end barrels. I'm sure there's more.
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Thinking about building a 18-20" Grendel. Will be shooting with my son at a local 1000 yard range and was thinking of building a upper for those ranges. I see stuff out there for Grendel but it sure doesn't seem to have taken off quite like 300 blackout or similar.

Is it worth the squeeze?
If 124 factory loads = not taken off, what does that mean for every other cartridge besides 5.56/.223 Rem?

The 1000yd capability has been there from the start. 123gr Scenar and 123gr SMK do well out to 1100yds+, depending on what elevation you shoot at. The lower you are, the more barrel length and BC you will want to have.

I’m in the Mountain West region, so shorter barrels work surprisingly-well out to 1000yds+. I have personally rapid-fired sub-MOA groups from a really lightweight 17.6” Grendel at 1000yds. My group was 8” vertical, 4” horizontal with 123gr A-MAX. I’ve also made 1st-round hits with my 12” Grendel at 780yds and 900yds on 2-3 MOA plates, which is very difficult to do even with magnums at 900yds.


If you want the basic 6mm experience from a 6.5 Grendel, shoot 110gr PPU, 107gr SMK or the new 105gr Blitzkings, which will be faster from the muzzle but don’t have as high of BCs as the 6mm does. In practice, it’s really hard to notice a difference unless winds are at 7 mph or higher, which is why 6mm makes sense for competitors. The 105-110gr 6.5mm loads shoot really flat compared to 120-123gr Grendel.

Here’s one of the ranges at the range complex I prefer to shoot. Buffalo Canyon has all kinds of UKD steel to detect and engage from 175-900yds. The thing about Grendel vs .260 Rem/6.5CM/6.5x47 is that you can easily maintain your sight picture throughout the shot, and spot your own impacts, from a firearm that weighs 1/2-2/3 the weight of an AR-10.


I take the 12” Grendel out of the case, rack the action, and immediately start putting rounds on the bison steel silhouette at 780yds, right below that red dot marking 800yds. The benefit with the 120gr and higher class of bullets is that you can really hear them impact, whereas 110gr and lower sound about like Mk.262 does at 400yds (weak and anemic). You get more positive feedback with the heavier bullets, but they of course have more arc and drop for trajectory. From shooter’s perspective, it’s a matter of holding or dialing your data.


For all the people who said for years how 6.5 Grendel doesn’t do well from shorter barrels and you aren’t able to reach its ballistic potential, they clearly are repeating things they haven’t experienced. In fact, I don’t think there is anything that does as well from a short barrel, to include the new 6mm Max. 6.8 SPC was the closest, but doesn’t have the projectile selection. Bore ratio favors the 6.8, but its case design is nowhere near as efficient in burning the propellant column.

12” Grendel real world velocities for me have been:

2698fps with 90gr TNT Federal factory load
2393fps with 120gr Federal OTM

80gr Hammer HTs will do 2831fps from a 12” barrel and 2609fps from an 8.5” barrel.

2024 is going to be a big year for 6.5 Grendel. When you see what it will do from PDWs, it really separates from the 6mm bores. They are too constrained for velocity and it really walks away from them by several hundred fps. The difference in muzzle velocity between 6mm and 6.5 Grendel really surprised me when looking at the lighter bullets. 12” Grendel generates the upper end of speeds for an 18” 6mm with 80-90gr, for example. A 10.5” Grendel will match 18” 6mm speeds with the same bullet weights.

The biggest practical difference I enjoy is being able to throw a suppressed short blaster into a small carbine case, grab it, move it around, pack it in the SUV with no real consideration for space. When I step up to my 18” Grendels, the case size is something much harder to lift, pack, and find space for.


I’m going even smaller now with an 8.5” barrel on the way, after 6 years of shooting the 12” more than anything else. The internal ballistics engine I’ve been using (that is often within 4fps of real world mvs), shows some jaw-dropping numbers for the 8.5” and 7.5” barrels.
Proof Research stainless barrels are cut-rifled and I've had really good luck with them in the past. In lieu of CLE there's that and Kreiger that I'm aware of for top-end barrels. I'm sure there's more.

Yea Proof is solid barrels. I was actually looking at the barrel when I was hot and heavy over 6.5 Grendel but now that I'm second guessing it...That's $600 or more to tie up in a barrel and bolt for a caliber I don't even know if we will stay together.

I'll be honest JS8588 got me thinking of a sub $200 barrel and just seeing what I think about it. If it's true love I could build another upper with a tits out barrel ya know?
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I’m going even smaller now with an 8.5” barrel on the way, after 6 years of shooting the 12” more than anything else. The internal ballistics engine I’ve been using (that is often within 4fps of real world mvs), shows some jaw-dropping numbers for the 8.5” and 7.5” barrels.

Care to share what you've found out? Curious how it would compare to say a super sonic 110gr 300 blackout.
Imagine a blaster that looks like this:


......spitting 80gr at over 2600fps. If you go lighter, you can easily exceed 3150fps. We’re entering a new era of High Performance Intermediate Cartridge development, and there has yet to be a case that is as efficient as the 6.5 Grendel with its short propellant column and 30˚ shoulder, with SRP. Crazy thing is that it’s doing this at 48,000-50,000psi, not 55,000 or higher.

My really fast CFE223 loads are only doing 48,000psi because you can’t really put more in the case and get a bullet to seat.
I'll be honest JS8588 got me thinking of a sub $200 barrel and just seeing what I think about it. If it's true love I could build another upper with a tits out barrel ya know?

And if you don't love it, selling your brass and barrel secondhand will be no issue.

My next Grendel will be built with a custom Krieger from Precision Firearms, but I have too many other projects at the moment.
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Imagine a blaster that looks like this:


......spitting 80gr at over 2600fps. If you go lighter, you can easily exceed 3150fps. We’re entering a new era of High Performance Intermediate Cartridge development, and there has yet to be a case that is as efficient as the 6.5 Grendel with its short propellant column and 30˚ shoulder, with SRP. Crazy thing is that it’s doing this at 48,000-50,000psi, not 55,000 or higher.

My really fast CFE223 loads are only doing 48,000psi because you can’t really put more in the case and get a bullet to seat.

So what you're telling me is I'm going to also need to build a short boy for 6.5G as well.
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Care to share what you've found out? Curious how it would compare to say a super sonic 110gr 300 blackout.
The internal engine is showing 2204-2303fps range for 110gr 6.5 Grendel from an 8.5” barrel, which is about 100fps faster than 300 Whisper 8.5", only with far better SD and BC for 6.5mm.

Another area that has barely been explored with 6.5 Grendel is subsonic loads. People have done them successfully with 140-160gr, but it hasn’t been a focus.
So what you're telling me is I'm going to also need to build a short boy for 6.5G as well.
My 12” Grendel is starting to feel like it’s too long, especially when I handle the 10.5” suppressed.

Once I get the 8.5” pipe, I’m not sure if I’m going to even mess with the 10.5” that much. I already have a Honey Badger PDW back-end furniture and buffer/spring set from SB Tactical mated to an ADM ambi lower in FDE.

I’m wanting a dedicated full sleeve reflex suppressor in Ti, which does not exist yet.
The funny thing is that I believed all the bad info people were saying back in the late 2000s about Grendel needing a 24” barrel to be worth it, with 20” being the absolute minimum you should go with. I tried putting a 20” AA barrel/bolt combo in my cart from Midway, went to check out....gone. Went back, put the 18” in the cart, go to check out....gone. It was between a 24” and 16” after that. I really didn’t want a long 24” barrel anything, so I just put the 16” in and was able to check out.

I started hand-loading for it out of the gate in a quick barrel change upper from MGI, as I didn’t want to mess with it if it didn’t perform and kept the option of just pulling it and doing something else. One of my friends in Finland gave me a box of virgin Lapua brass in 2007 if I recall, so I had brass. I was initially unimpressed with the velocities I was getting with 123gr Scenars, and kinda felt like it wasn’t going to work out for me.

I found the Grendel Forum online, got some better load recommendations, and then it started singing. If I could go back, I would have ordered a TBAC suppressor much earlier and had a 12” barrel made for me with 1/7 twist, then back up the cart even more on projectiles. I spent several years with the 16” just as a side-kick to my .260 Rem 22” gasser built by GAP, then got a Lilja 18” barrel and built a carbine that I spent another 3 years focusing on for anything LR. Then I got the 12”. I built a bunch of 20”, 22”, 18”, and 16” along the way.

I wish something like this had been available when I was a kid.
What is you definition of "taking off"?
First you said 6.5G didn't catch on, now 6ARC won't take off. I'm just curious what your criteria for that is.

Yea I guess that is fair. I would say "taking off" is equal to walking into a local gun store and everyone having heard of the round before. "Catching on" is going to your local sporting good store and they have a place for the ammo on the shelf.
Even I was surprised when I did a 2023 count of all the current factory ammo options for 6.5 Grendel. It was around 80-90 loads in 2019, 100 in 2020, and now 124 as of fall 2023, with a new one from Hornady with the 100gr ELD-VT.

That 100gr ELD-VT should do 2305-2400fps from the 8.5” Grendel PDW.

What do you call a PDW that also has supersonic reach to 750yds, can shoot 80gr at 2600fps, 123gr at 2140fps, kill deer within normal hunting distances (894ft-lbs/2244fps at 150yds), is really compact and maneuverable for home defense, and has low recoil?
There is 6.5G and 6ARC ammo on the shelf at Sportsman's warehouse. I can walk into almost every local shop and find 6.5G ammo. It's been that way for 10 years.

I had a local Academy in mind but your point is good. I love shopping at Sportsman's Warehouse when we are going through to the beach. I get sucked into the fishing area though due to them having stuff I usually can't find.
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I had a local Academy in mind but your point is good. I love shopping at Sportsman's Warehouse when we are going through to the beach. I get sucked into the fishing area though due to them having stuff I usually can't find.
I live in a weird place where I’m surrounded or within 8-40 minutes of 4 Sportsman’s Warehouses, Cabella’s, Scheel’s, and really good Local Gun Stores. I still normally order Grendel ammo online though. I bought some Fort Scott Munitions TUI 123gr 6.5 Grendel not too long ago from a great, well-stocked LGS, just because I want to see how the TUI does.
Yea I guess that is fair. I would say "taking off" is equal to walking into a local gun store and everyone having heard of the round before. "Catching on" is going to your local sporting good store and they have a place for the ammo on the shelf.
Don't forget to keep in mind just how small the market for this stuff is relative to the rest of the firearms world.
In your average gun shop how many customers and employees are "AR people"? Since that's really who this stuff is for. Then remember that probably 50% of AR owners don't shoot them, 30% shoot watermelons and tannerite on holiday weekends. How many of the remaining percentage follow this stuff and have an interest in long range shooting?
Obviously those people are out there, and a bunch of them are members here, but in the grand scheme of things it's hard to imagine this stuff will ever be 30-06 and 9x19 mainstream.
Don't forget to keep in mind just how small the market for this stuff is relative to the rest of the firearms world.
In your average gun shop how many customers and employees are "AR people"? Since that's really who this stuff is for. Then remember that probably 50% of AR owners don't shoot them, 30% shoot watermelons and tannerite on holiday weekends. How many of the remaining percentage follow this stuff and have an interest in long range shooting?
Obviously those people are out there, and a bunch of them are members here, but in the grand scheme of things it's hard to imagine this stuff will ever be 30-06 and 9x19 mainstream.

Valid points

I would probably stay away from 6ARC due to getting into another caliber. At least with 6.5 Grendel I can share some components with my son's 6.5 Creedmoor he's getting.
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