Wow…now that’s messed up…

Guys at work here talking about this in the lot the other day. Apparently these officers were "just about to clock out for the day" and didn't want to stay over their shifts.
Suicide shooting...if you shot yourself in the head and were dying what would you want the Police officers to do? Honestly...what would you prefer?
The job they applied for and accepted. But they didn’t, they chose the a la carte policing method. Where’s that thin blue line heroism? Couldn’t even muster the effort to call someone else to do their job since they weren’t interested.
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I thought I remembered this - interesting that it happened in September of 2023 and body cam footage was just released in Oct 2024.

Anyhow as usual there is some bullshit to wade through frost being that those tow assholes that got there first didn’t know it was a suicide- AND the gun ol boy used to “off himself “ has never been found .

So they may have taken it , someone maybe a kid walked off with it - OR the dude was murdered and no one wanted the case so they “suicided it”

As mentioned above by DamnYankee they have no duty to protect or serve , but are filled with loathing for the peons .