Hi guys,
I am trying to develop a load for my brother-in-laws 7 mm Remington Magnum Browning A-bolt for his Christmas gift.
What I need is:
.284 cal bullets about 20 per type and weight
Cheap/free once fired or new brass - I have about 50 once fired Hornady right now
Looking at 150 gr ballistic tips (he said those grouped the best for him)
160 gr Sierra Gameking HPBT
140 Gr Barnes TTSX
I figured a lot of you probably have leftovers from your own load development so let me know what you’ve got! Also, if you have the aforementioned rifle and have a good load, please do share. Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!
I am trying to develop a load for my brother-in-laws 7 mm Remington Magnum Browning A-bolt for his Christmas gift.
What I need is:
.284 cal bullets about 20 per type and weight
Cheap/free once fired or new brass - I have about 50 once fired Hornady right now
Looking at 150 gr ballistic tips (he said those grouped the best for him)
160 gr Sierra Gameking HPBT
140 Gr Barnes TTSX
I figured a lot of you probably have leftovers from your own load development so let me know what you’ve got! Also, if you have the aforementioned rifle and have a good load, please do share. Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!