I have a 1712 Silhouette (has cheekrest like, monte carlo) factory Anschutz stock, PM me if you are interested. Stocks are available for the 1710 and 1712 from Nordic Marksman about $489, or from Anschutz North America about $895 IIRC. These newer stocks are made for the later Anschutz 54 actions with the side safety. If your rifle is older, then it will have the "wing" safety which requires an opening near the left rear of the action area to accomodate that safety. The newer stocks can be altered, but it require some work. Sometimes you will see an older stock for sale, and as nesikabay mentions, the Anschutz 54 actioned repeaters are very popular with the silhouette shooters. I got one intending to use it for a 54:18 MSR, but the bolt spacing is different, and the 2-stage 5018 is larger than the trigger assembly opening in the 1712 stock, so I have to get a custom stock made/inletted for mine.