WTB: Lapua 308 and LC LR/MATCH Brass


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Full Member
Feb 14, 2017
Three Rivers, MI
As the title states I'm looking to buy some 308 Lapua and/or 308 LC LR brass. I'm going to be converting this brass to 6 XC and 6.5 Creedmoor (LC for my AR10) and since I'm just starting out I'm planning for there to be more than a few ruined cases along the way and as such I'm not looking to pay retail price.

Keep in mind that Brownell's currently has brand Lapua 308 for $70. I'm only interested in 1x fired LC MATCH/LR brass but depending on the price I would be interested in new, 1x or 2x fired Lapua 308.

Please PM me with what you have and how much you're wanting to sell it for. Thanks!