Monty111 Supporter Supporter Minuteman Jun 25, 2020 45 33 Norman, OK Tuesday at 9:03 PM #1 Tuesday at 9:03 PM #1 Hey all! Currently on the prowl for an M40A1 HTG stock (doesn’t necessarily need to be smear, new manufacture will work) as well as a R700 short action. If you have either and are willing to part, shoot me a message. Thanks in advance!
Hey all! Currently on the prowl for an M40A1 HTG stock (doesn’t necessarily need to be smear, new manufacture will work) as well as a R700 short action. If you have either and are willing to part, shoot me a message. Thanks in advance!
Monty111 Supporter Supporter Minuteman Jun 25, 2020 45 33 Norman, OK Yesterday at 4:57 PM #2 Yesterday at 4:57 PM #2 Both acquired! Thanks!