The cancer is deep and wide spread and we have known it for years. How is it possible for every God damned thing you do to try and reign in out of control spending, hiring and contracting is being fought against so hard? The answer is obvious and in plain sight.
These people are networked into every organization and they exist to destroy America. They are republicans and democrats but underneath they are socialists, communists and the morally bankrupt and corrupt. The most vocal critics of reigning in government spending are the most corrupt or they work for their corrupt masters and will do the bidding to keep the taps opened. Some idiot republican senator is bitching today about the dangers of stopping the stealing and corruption. The senate proposed a budget with ZERO cuts in spending after spending months acknowledging we needed to cut spending.
Watch the results. In the end the swamp and swampers from both parties will do exactly nothing. Not one fucking thing to reduce spending, end theft and corruption or tighten regulations on how federal dollars are spent. Everything Trump does will have to be by executive orders, even a piece of shit like Rand Paul won't vote to chop the budget. He is all wind, just like a fart.
These groups will remain burrowed into every agency and will continue to do their damnedest to rat fuck taxpayers.
My last job was for a government agency, it was maddening. We had 550 employees and really needed about 135 to run the entire operation. We had three or four layers of engineers for every project. Why? To provide cover for each other. With so many spoons in the pot no one single engineer could be blamed for failures and they can all take credit for successes. We had at least four or five layers of management between me and they guy in charge, every budget item or decision was required to get signed off by all of them and it took decades in some cases to do the most routine projects.
To rewrite a procedure, we had an entire EIGHT person office of SOP Writers, a SOP is a "standard operating procedure". While they were easily over 1,000 changes stacked up in their offices, they churned out one or two a year completed requests a year. Unless it was to correct a typo or misprint. Every completed change had to go different offices thousands of miles away in different states to insure it did not offend ex-slaves, homosexuals, native Americans, muslims or deviants. This process took months or years and was impossible to navigate. Eight people who maybe did 300 man-hours of work a year between all of them.
When we had forced LBGQRTUV indoctrination classes, they were required for all employees, we came in on overtime and were forced into a room to listen to hours of this drivel and bullshit. They had four party members from the head office around the room, taking names and noting who dared to disagree. If you disagreed with workplace pedophilia or men in the ladies room, they added your name to the list of known troublemakers.
At one point we had 12 fucking safety people, not one of them EVER left their office and only one or two were heterosexuals or men. Most of them had never seen or worked in any fashion in a facility like ours, if they had worked at one they never left the office and had no fucking idea what was safe or unsafe any more than the man in the moon.
I retired last year and thank fucking God I am done with this bullshit. Wasting hours every fucking day trying to get these fucks to do their jobs was the most miserable part of every day. Every cunt leftist on site would make it a point to tell you they are some sort of cunt leftist, vegan, homo, Biden voting twat or whatever. DEI garbage made up a large and useless portion of the work force.
Trump's buyout offer got a few of the actual skilled employees who were going to retire in the next year anyway. My old partner was one of them. He was retiring next fall when his current assignment ended and he took the buyout. So now he retires in the fall but he gets an eight month paid vacation until he retires. In the end, they will need to hire a replacement for about 10% of those who took the money and ran, the rest are deadweight.
Honest to God. My favorite part of every day since January 20th has been watching leftist heads exploding on the news.