I can't remember how many times I've seen myself or others post a question to a forum (here and elsewhere) and the responses generally tend to be some form of "you didn't satisfy my completely subjective and arbitrary requirements for figuring this out on your own so instead of being helpful I'm going to be a condescending dickface to a stranger on the internet to help ease my own insecurities and try to look cool", that then get blindly upvoted by fellow insecure asshats.
Does this happen in every hobby? Are people really that arrogant and dependent on others' approval or is shooting really just 85% assholes with a few decent folks sprinkled in? I hope this isn't just another once enjoyable thing that has been ruined by the anonymity of the internet and hairy knuckled cavemen typing away in their mom's basement.
Does this happen in every hobby? Are people really that arrogant and dependent on others' approval or is shooting really just 85% assholes with a few decent folks sprinkled in? I hope this isn't just another once enjoyable thing that has been ruined by the anonymity of the internet and hairy knuckled cavemen typing away in their mom's basement.