Accessories WTS 4x GoTenna Pro X1 PLI comms


Sergeant of the Hide
Full Member
Apr 10, 2022
Eastern PA
As I have swapped over to different options for group SA/PLI, I am cycling out these GoTenna Pro X(1) devices.

These are 5W dual band (VHF-Hi/UHF) data radios that can support a few KB of data and Position Location Information (PLI) for up to 100 members across several KM of heavily forested area.

These are end to end encrypted using bulk SHA-256/GCM over ATAK/CoT and using asymmetrical X22519 on the GoTenna Pro app. All that to say is your data is secure.

Each device supports up to 8 secondary channels to use for Low Probability of Interception/Detection (LPI/LPD), a spectrum aware type of frequency shifting with programmable jitter but you can also set the power to a few milliwatts and turn off PLI beaconing to fully make yourself hidden.

These technically need a FTC license for spectrums to use, given the power and bands you have access to, but I'm not your daddy. I'll happily program a frequency set for you and provide you the ATAK plugins for your desired ATAK/CivTAK version up to 5.0. I'll also help your troubleshoot and within reason give you support and tips as needed.

Without sounding like a sales dude, these units are the big kahuna of prepared civilian and EMS/SAR and even SOF sector for team level secure PLI. The TAK plugin supports sending messages, CoT objects, routes and limited photography and you can overhaul these on Silvus, Kuiper, 802.11, and other SATCOM or even cellular networks to expand operating ranges.

With the X2s out these aren't readily available and are retailing for $1500/eat plus shipping and tax.

Will only sell as a group (because that's the only thing that makes sense) for $5200 $5100 shipped & insured and with necessary support like ATAK plugins and I'll update them and charge them before sending out. I can also throw in some USB Micro to USB-C cables, and PALS mounts (only 2) as well.

Trade wise I'm only interested in the following:
- RH25 thermal with weapon mount accessories
- M110K7 factory uppers

Feel free to send any questions or comms planning/SIGINT collections questions.
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