Reloading Equipment WTS: Giraud Trimmer Case Holders: 6.5x.284, .260, 6mmX - $30 each


Unorganized Militiaman
Full Member
Jan 27, 2014
I bought a used Giraud Power Trimmer, and it came with case holders in some calibers I don't use:
  • "6X" (I assume this is 6mmX, the precursor to 6mmXC)
  • .260 (comes with a trimmed case) SOLD
  • 6.5x.284 (which I guess is 6.5-284 Norma?)
$30 each, shipped. Case holder and lock ring included, no cutters. PP F&F or PP G&S depending on your preference. Only trades I'm interested in are case holders in 6.5 Grendel, .300AAC, and 6.5 Creedmoor. (Seems like we both loved 6.5s... just different 6.5s!)

PM me if you're interested in any of them.
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