Looking to sell my LMT MWS 308 16" CL complete stock rifle including LMT SOPMOD stock, two stage trigger group, 1 20 round magazine, two rail covers, user manual and torque wrench w/adapter. I purchased this lightly used and put about 100 Magtech 168 grn OTM rounds through it. Light handling marks including sight and optic mounted items but I would consider this very good condition. Mark in charging handle area on lower is from charging handle, and pictured.
$1950 shipped to your FFL. Must be legal for you to own in your state, including 20 round magazine. Payment USPS money order(s) preferred, other options considered.
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$1950 shipped to your FFL. Must be legal for you to own in your state, including 20 round magazine. Payment USPS money order(s) preferred, other options considered.

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