WTS: McMillan Mod1 M40A3 Stock + Leather M1907 Slings and Triggers for M40A1 - $ DROP


Full Member
Nov 1, 2009
More things need funding, so selling some more of my collection. All prices are shipped within the continental US. Only trades I would consider are other early spec parts (original version pod-locs, old A4 saddles without the bolt notch, medium height Badger 30mm rings sub 1000 SN).

First is a new McMillan "Mod1" M40A3 stock. It's a full spec stock (Remington 700 SA, right hand, inlet for the Badger M5 DBM, etc) that McMillan makes out of their Winchester A4 mold so it has the large butthook. If anyone needs details on it, please see McMillan's site for the Mod1 stock. $850 shipped.

Next are some as-issued leather M1907 slings. They're all "MRT 12-86" marked, and are the right slings for M40A1 builds. See the detailed pics for the condition of each. #1 has some pen marks on the hook side (see up-close pic), but otherwise are very good slings, especially considering they're over 30 years old now. $80 shipped each.

Lastly are some old Remington Walker triggers. These would also be good for M40 or M40A1 builds. A, F, and G are complete with safeties. The unlabeled one is just the trigger. Trigger A had the area around the adjustment screws crimped sometime in the past. Triggers F and G still have the original factory sealant on the adjustment screws. With the hoopla around these triggers, they must be taken to a qualified gunsmith for inspection and installation. There goes my disclaimer on them. $50 shipped each for the ones with the safeties, $25 shipped for the unlabeled trigger only.

Pics of everything:






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