Night Vision WTS Steiner C35 thermal clip on **SPF**


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Full Member
Feb 22, 2010
Boise, ID
Looking to rehome my steiner C35 thermal clip on. This particular unit has one night of use on it where I let some buddies use it on their rifle to spot critters and get a feel for thermal. Aside from a handful of rounds and one night of use, this unit is brand new and includes everything that was originally in the box. I also have a 2 battery charger with additional battery that I will include.

Asking $2750 shipped and insured. Only trade I'm interested in would be a 12"-16" 6ARC upper. First "I'll take it post" in this thread gets the unit. I can accept paypal F&F or zelle payment.

**SPF to Will J**

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I am on the hunt...Is the juice worth the squeeze?
Seems like the best bang for the buck
I have no complaints. I do prefer the clip-on concept to the dedicated optic option based on my limited experience. This seems to be a great way to dip your toe into a thermal clip-on and be able to get your $ back pretty easily if you decide its not for you. I would say its absolutely worth it.
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