Looking to sell lightly used Tikka T3x CTR 223 20". Picked it up few months ago and selling to buy back my 260 CTR
$1,100 shipped to your FFL, discrete pp f&f
Thanks for looking
Looking to sell lightly used Tikka T3x CTR 223 20". Picked it up few months ago and selling to buy back my 260 CTR
WTS - Tikka T3X CTR .223 20"
I know I'm going to kick myself for doing this, but looking to sell my CTR .223. I just prefer my T3X Lite over this. I've put about 20rds through it. Looks pretty well brand new and shoots well. $1100 shipped to your FFL from my FFL.

$1,100 shipped to your FFL, discrete pp f&f
Thanks for looking